Good Night Everyone,
Let's begin the creation of our valid but non-redeemable address for destroying the coins.
We will use this online address generator:
All valid public keys begin with 0x04. We can use this byte sequence as public key:
0400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Enter this line to "1 - Public ECDSA Key" field and press "Send" button. After this you need to set the correct address version. It's can be done pretty easy by editing first byte of "Adding network bytes to 3" field, set it to 23 (which is 35 in Hexadecimal, see I.e. final value of "Adding network bytes to 3" will be
Now you can press "Send" button and get our Freebiescoin address, which corresponds to the invalid public key. It will be FBEgiTLiGo6nzir4qgPv1ZtTHiyCVhDoMn
We will now use this address for coins destruction: FBEgiTLiGo6nzir4qgPv1ZtTHiyCVhDoMn
Transaction ID is acc28c5f8092133a7ee6b23c69724bea649bc5a29e6170b2757cbaa36e9c1e22
And... it is gone.
Someone please quote this message so I can't change it.
Thank you Adriano. Things should be better for this coin now.