If you look a very rough theory I have is that reviews are nearly always 1/10 of downloads. Check the theory out it almost always is true. This makes we wonder if downloads have stalled at such a low level??? Did I just invest in the new NXTTY?
You are one annoying fella, been whining from the very first beginning, not all features have been implemented yet, been just out for a week, iOS hasn't been out yet. Also you 1/10 theory is bullshit, i see apps with 600 review and between 50k - 100k downloads. Take a hike man seriously or go invest in "get rich quick" scam coins.
I don't know who you are or what you want, but I will find you and I will kill you.
reported, you shouldn't be allowed to be here. You can be tracked down by court order for this and get in trouble, maybe you will.