Windows Instructions for Rollback:- After downloading the executable for windows navigate to the following directory in windows explorer: C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\GhostCoin you may need to type this into the explorer bar to navigate to that directory.
- Make a backup copy of the file wallet.dat MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THIS BACKED UP. After backing up the wallet.dat file delete the entire contents of the directory.
- Next, paste the new GhostCoin executable into this directory and paste your BACKED UP wallet.dat into this directory and run the GhostCoin executable
- After running the executable it will sync after a few minutes to the new blockchain and you will now be using the new blockchain with the rollback.
Mac Instructions for Rollback:- After downloading the DMG for Mac navigate to the following directory in finder: ~/Library/Application Support/GhostCoin you will need to use the finder "Go to folder" option to navigate to that directory as it is hidden by default on Mac.
- Make a backup copy of the file wallet.dat MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THIS BACKED UP. After backing up the wallet.dat file delete the entire contents of the directory.
- Next, run the DMG file to install the new GhostCoin client then go to the ~/Library/Application Support/GhostCoin directory and paste your BACKED UP wallet.dat into this directory and run the GhostCoin client.
- After running the GhostCoin client it will sync after a few minutes to the new blockchain and you will now be using the new blockchain with the rollback.
Linux Instructions:- Download the latest code from the new github repostiory and rebuild the new GhostCoin wallet.
- After building the new wallet navigate to the following data directory: ~/.ghostcoin/
- Make a backup copy of the file wallet.dat MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THIS BACKED UP. After backing up the wallet.dat file delete the entire contents of the directory.
- Next again go to the ~/.ghostcoin/ directory and paste your BACKED UP wallet.dat into this directory and run the GhostCoin client.
- After running the GhostCoin client it will sync after a few minutes to the new blockchain and you will now be using the new blockchain with the rollback.
Version: GnuPG v1