made by a CEO and a blown up team, which costs by the way tens of thousand's a month, money which can well go to the entire community.This is getting the Bull by its horns and create something in a new way.The chance of success is very high this way.The chance of loosing any amount is very ,very low.I know it is unusual but imho it is the fairest way and the best use of conduct, when offering a Project.The Tokens are unlocked there is no reason to lock them or manipulate in any way.Only the formation period is a little bumpy.The contributors addresses have to be kept clean, funds have to be kept safe.But these are no hurdles.This Project is not a "get Rich fast"Project, it is a "retire Wealthy"Project.
BTW.we do not exclude an IEO, but it will be conducted only if the community votes one, and consensus has been reached on which exchange the IEO will take place.IEO's are expensive and Pump and Dumps might happen.This is not in the Projects interest.
And now i will ask you this: how do you think the Cryptomarket will ever get healthy when the facts indicate this:
39 Bitcoin addresses own 11.1%
154 Ethereum addresses own 40%
105 Bitcoin Cash addresses own 28%
128 Litecoin addresses own 47%
104 Bitcoin SV addresses own 25%
39 Cardano addresses own 40%
140 Tether addresses own 58%
Whenever they want they can manipulate up or down or sideways.Small investors stand no chance.So our Project is for the small investor mainly who wants to have something to say when it comes to his investment.
Let's not play games of semantics. ICO/ITO/IPO/TGE/IEO/IDO/ETO ... all means the same thing - an exchange of financially valuable commodities/goods for similarly valued. And you're just as guilty as the CEOs and other parties you're trying to apportion blame to - this whole venture is just another promise to solve something without deliverying the solution first and build value around it. This is further highlighted by your "how do you think the Cryptomarket will ever get healthy..." argument. Your project is for "small investors" but you have no way of vetting or defining "small". The mysterious "they" that you claim are manipulating the market at a whim could just as well have a field day with this one too - after all, there's a price for everything.