Greetings!Why don't you use ETH blockchain?
GoldMint’s blockchain, using the Graphene platform will be launched.
Advantages of such a choice compared to using an Ethereum private fork are as follows:
1. Safer - GoldMint blockchain uses its own coins rather than turing-complete smart contracts.
2. More productive - GoldMint uses PoS, is optimized for GOLD transactions as there are no other ICOs on the same platform.
3. Cheaper - no charge for ether commissions.
4. The Graphene blockchain supports PoS.
What about GOLD/MNT mining?
To start mining, you just needs to download a program from the GoldMint repository, launch it on your device, fine-tune it and start mining.
Consensus algorithm : We use PoS as our primary mining system. In case a user who holds many MNT doesn’t have enough computational power, he can rent
computational power from other miners.
Miner rotation
The amount of stakes depends on the amount of MNT a miner holds. So, if a miner owns 50% MNT, he will be chosen to process every second block.
Miner rewards
A miner receives a GOLD commission from each processed block. When the block is processed, no tokens are emitted.
Describe PoS and why you chose it? Thank you
Proof-of-stake (PoS) is a type of algorithm by which a cryptocurrency blockchain network aims to achieve distributed consensus. Unlike proof-of-work (PoW) based cryptocurrencies (such as bitcoin), where the algorithm rewards participants who solve complicated cryptographical puzzles in order to validate transactions and create new blocks (i.e. mining), in PoS-based cryptocurrencies the creator of the next block is chosen in a deterministic (pseudo-random) way, and the chance that an account is chosen depends on its wealth (i.e. the stake). In PoS cryptocurrencies the blocks are usually said to be forged (in the blacksmith sense of this word), or minted, rather than mined. Also, usually all the coins are created in the beginning and the total number of coins never changes afterwards (although there are some other versions of PoS where new coins can be created). Therefore, in the basic version of PoS there are no block rewards (e.g. as in bitcoin); so, the forgers take only the transaction fees
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