
Topic: [ANN]🚀🔥‼️GONT IS HERE‼️🔥🚀 (Read 1006 times)

Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Hello everyone!
We are glad to inform you that our official website has moved! Now you can find it here –

We also want to remind you that we have a blog, where we publish all the most interesting and useful articles as well as updates on our project –

Thank you for staying with us.
GONT team  Wink
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
GONT has no issue limit, that means the possibility of two types of issue : positive and negative (burning of the currency). However issue should be regulated.

Primary GONT economics:
- Variables of the primary GONT activity, for example, generation of the gVM cores for the services’ maintenance. But the gVM generation itself doesn’t mean that the service has attracted some users. Service users are displayed in the variables of the real GONT economics. Primary variables represent to the investors a general economics’ warm-up (the number of potential customers). Primary economics is like the requests for utilization of the real economics.

Real GONT economics:
- Variables according to the services’ launches and service gas flow. This directly affects GDP and issue.

All the GONT economics objects are regulated by smart-contracts.

Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Greetings, friends! Today we are talking about GONT and FUPE Space for the coherent growth of the decentralized economics.

Characteristic properties of the economics around FUPE:
- A great variety of the mutual offset transactions (hybrid gas and suchlike). There are more such transactions than in the ordinary economics, when the number of the service providers is small. FUPE allows introducing lots of thousands providers for the service.
- Services without the owner.
Services without the owner (the collective AlGas consumption) exist as in the ordinary economics, but can’t become a target for the “man-in-the-middle attack”.

Economics types for FUPE:
FUPE is relevant both for the pure digital (computational) economics and for the real one (for example, autonomous physical IoT objects, Blockchain-cash desks, etc.)

For example, FUPE can fully implement the customers projecting laser shows. The communication with the real world is conducted only through the electricity consumption. All the additional cost remains in the GONT system.

Read more on our official website!
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
As the contract “passes” through the states, a signature is formed, which is the object of consensus on Blockchain. Consensus can be entered in different ways. The signature provides an object for the comparison formula on different miners.

GONT Tree is the ontology of transaction meanings. Contract program is transitions among states of meanings under the influence of external conditions.

The advantage of the approach is the possibility of “visual” (simple) programming without profound examinations in the language of contract writing.

Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Computing in the FUPE space may be very expensive for complete consensus. For example, the gas function may be a complex pattern recognition function.

A reasonable solution is to let the service choose the level of the required consensus. For example, it can differ greatly in case of financial transactions and recognition functions.

In this case, the transaction is split into two execution paths. KANT Path, which is executed to the maximum (maximum consensus) in any case. And GONT Path is executed only in FUPE space. Thus, all nodes find out about the execution on some random (or selected ones by the service rule) nodes of an ultimate GONT-FUPE transaction.

Adaptive consensus suggests operating gas to be run not on all nodes, but only on some of them, namely the ones selected according to a specific rule (for example, by random sampling).
It means that there is no economic sense to run complex operation on all nodes at the same time to prove execution of TR.

Read more in our Whitepaper on official website. 
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Greetings, colleagues! Today we will talk about extended interpretation of EVM in GONT.

gVM comes with a primary knowledge of the external service (pre-compiled contracts) unlike EVM Ethereum. EVM knows nothing about the service. Pre-compiled GONT contracts are little or no different from EVM Solidity contracts. In both cases, there is almost no contract change space after deploy.

GONT VM is a global virtual blockchain machine.
gVM is a single micro-machine inside GONT VM.
Cell is the bound of the ownership of one user inside GONT VM. Cell is displayed on ONTO slice in GONT Tree.
GPS (GONT Processors States) is a new routing protocol inside the GONT VM boundary. Routing of external messages among gVM coresGONT VM is divided into a great number of gVM.

The number of gVM cores is not limited yet. After having developed each core in each cell, we get the statistics of the service gas consumption at the output.

An approximate number of loads per gVM core is about 1000 - 10 000, gas meanings (1000 - 10 000 GONT Tree nodes).
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Greetings, friends! We will talk today about how can one guarantee “burning” of the currency along with the reduction of demand for the service gas?

Let’s introduce some terms:
GCB - GONT Central bank (bank smart-contract).
SH - Stake holder – miners who hold some currency volume.

GCB (bank contract) is the only issue source. GCB distributes the SH currency for the executed work (on hosting and mining). But the currency is distributed not just for fun, but on the conventional credit at a conventional “re-financing rate”.

The re-financing rate is needed for currency withdrawal from miners for potential burning. But this mechanism is of the rewarding character.

The withdrawal is performed automatically (at the “re-financing rate”) at the moment of conducting payments on the rewards to the miners into the special reserve fund.

If the gas flow within the entire GONT continues to grow up, the currency is not needed to be burned and it’s returned to the miners at the next cycle (full reward of the miner along
with the economics growth).

If gas flow reduces, the funds of the Reserve fund are burned by the system.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
We are happy to announce that our official site GONT.IO has a Chinese version now! We launched a full-fledged Chinese version of the site to get even closer to our foreign partners and customers.

To view the new language version please follow the link –

You can also go to the Chinese version of the site by clicking the button in the upper right corner of both the Russian and English versions.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Computing in the FUPE space may be very expensive for complete consensus (for example, the gas function may be a complex pattern recognition function).

A reasonable solution is to let the service choose the level of the required consensus (for example, it can
differ greatly in case of financial transactions and recognition functions).

In this case, the transaction is split into two execution paths. KANT Path, which is executed to the maximum (maximum consensus) in any case. And GONT Path is executed only in FUPE space.\

Thus, all nodes find out about the execution on some random (or selected ones by the service rule) nodes of an ultimate GONT-FUPE transaction.
Adaptive consensus suggests operating gas to be run not on all nodes, but only on some of them, namely the
ones selected according to a specific rule (for example, by random sampling).

It means that there is no economic sense to run complex operation on all nodes at the same time to prove
execution of TR.

Read more in our Whitepaper.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
GONT- smart contract can be considered as an evolution among the essential states of the program-contract (the evolution of meanings).

Evolution follows from the meaning of economic activity, which is described in the contract, in a usual, native way. This definition of the contract follows from the way the AlGas gas is entered into GONT.

When you enter AlGas, any transaction “turns” into a processor (gVM core) instruction and is one of many instructions of the global “gas”.

At the same time, the instruction describes some meaning, specified by the user. Transactions are entered through the oracle tree “GONT Tree”.

In visual mode, the user can select “program meanings” on GONT Tree and specify the contract evolution, actually - FSM (Finite State Machine) of the program - in precise terms.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Greetings, friends! Today we will talk about FUPE quarks.

If we want to launch large industrial stacks of already existing embedded software in the industry by the smart contract model, then we need to consider not only the hardware abstraction level (HAL), but also all the features of the implementation of the iron core architecture (which runs the contract). Since the embedded software stack has a hard connection with the real iron core of the processor.

For example, Sirin Labs works in this direction.

Quarks are instructions of the lowest level of the HW implementation. I.e. those instructions, on which the contract software works physically.

The characteristic feature of GONT is the displaying of all the quarks of all known processor architectures to the intermediate VLIW level.

For example, the architecture K5 h – the first analog of x86 architecture from AMD – was similarly implemented.

Displaying on the VLIW is considered correct for several reasons:
- We circumvent patents for global processor architectures (for example, for ARM) as AMD did once.
- The need for wide VLIW commands because of:
1) ONTO Space completeness (512 bits will give unlimited opportunities).
2) Support of the Solidity data width (256 bit).

That’s why one can’t cope with without the wide VLIW commands. Herewith, the native code compilation systems should not “notice” the displaying of all the quarks to the
intermediate VLIW.

Displaying the embedded soft at the GONT EVM, we substantially expand the potential market.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Main parameters of GONT GDP:
- Total gas flow within the entire GONT economics. Also gas flow calibration in Joules and transformation it into the FIAT cost.
- Amount of the services’ launches.

Herewith each GONT participant can independently verify the gas flow (basing on the Blockchain records).

If the WoW (week over week) gas flow doesn’t change, the issue will be zeropoint.

Here one can think about the minimum required issue for compensating to the miners the costs for maintaining the system.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Greetings, colleagues! We continue to share with you the key events and successes of the GONT team.

Social media:
Last week we published 5 news. Publications can be found in all social groups and on the bitcointalk forum here.

We also updated and corrected the Roadmap on our official website (

Our application for the status of the participant Skolkovo was sent for substantive examination. We are waiting for a response from them within a week.

Previous week there were 4 intensive meetings in Singapore regarding the funding of GONT. Most of the meetings were organized in conjunction with the funds IncuVest and Enable8. One meeting was held in a more expanded company: a specialist from the blockchain fund, which deals with professional investments in blockchain startups, joined us.

The video from this trip is coming! Stay tuned.

After the Chinese New Year we are planning to begin a detailed work on the agreement between GONT and IncuVest.

In addition, we were able to apply documents for a number of banks. At the moment we are waiting for confirmation from them.

Stay in touch! Good luck!
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Cycle of the issue (positive or negative) is one week. In fact, this is a cycle of basic statistics on gas flow throughout the GONT system.
The issue is calculated in reference to the forecast of growth of demand for service gas for a week ahead.

The forecast is built automatically from the data of the previous weeks (under one of the models). It’s expected that there’s a continuous increase in users and services to the system.

Automatic feedback and issue regulation.
The main question is – how to burn the GONT currency if the demand for gas has decreased?
It’s obvious, that miners won’t be in any way interested in the voluntary burning of the currency.

Our main aim: support of the regulation Currency volume = service’s volume
Herewith GONT currency can be always sold at the stock exchange at a more or less stable price in FIAT. If the currency volume is less – deficit demand for gas occurs. There’ll be no possibility to pay for transactions. If the currency volume is more – deficit demand for dollars (FIAT) occurs. Users will have problems with the crypto-currency withdrawal. This can cause the avalanche effects of currency dumping and panic.

The ideal case of balancing the entire system is working without stock exchange, but through the guaranteed GONT-FIAT exchanger. It guarantees at a fixed price (reference to the electricity price) an exchange in any direction. The stock exchange can correct some “screw-ups” of the system balance.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Hello everyone! Today we will tell you about advanced gas comprehension.

Aim of the GONT-economics:
Creation of the technology for the possibility of integrating a “stable” currency for mass services. Basing on a stable currency, laws of macroeconomics (crypto-economics) money will work, which will
invoke even more significant investments into the crypto-currency.

We introduce the alternative service gas (GONT AlGas) as a need to measure the services’ work and accurately calculate the network’s GDP (cumulative gas burning by all services). And also as a private ownership mechanism in the Blockchain network.

By means of GONT one can move from the empirical rewards of the miners within the current Ethereum network to the balance cost of the currency reflecting the economic reality of the network, based on the services’ physical work.

Read more in our Whitepaper!
Thank you for attention. Good luck!
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
The general methodology for all GONT Web services is not only for Elections GONT service.

The user may perform a lot of Actions on the site. But some of these actions have significant meaning peaks and should be reflected in the blockchain (import-ant transactions).

At the same time, it is necessary to align the site state machine and the corresponding site blockchain service. It means that a proper reflection of the site should be built on the blockchain.

Our approach is related to Buterin’s in Plasma [].
It means that we are building a consensus pattern for embedded blockchains.

Implementation through GONT VM:
In order to reduce the resource consumption, GONT VM doesn’t work continuously. In fact, GONT VM is turned on, executes new transactions and is turned off. Besides, the last GONT VM state is saved in the service signature (it is a local GONT BlockChain as well).

BActions = Blockchain Actions – actions of the user for Block chain.
Thus, we get the state evolution pattern.

Example of the evolution pattern for Elections.
- Registration
- Vote {Vote options}
- Stamp
- WriteBack

Each BAction has a dedicated unique address in GONT Space.
Conclusion: when developing a new service, Evolution and Actions should be elaborated accurately. Evolution is implemented through a service smart contract in the core of GONT VM.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Simplicity of implementation of Web services. Hybrid Off-chain - BChain approach.

GONT offers an approach for implementing Web services, if their interaction with blockchain is necessary.
In case of normal operation, the site implements a huge number of states (which are developed by MVC controller), and not all of them should be “reflected” in the blockchain. When the Web service starts, the states, important for the blockchain, should be considered separately.

At the same time, the web service is considered as a machine of states (FSM + state set + evolution pattern), which “flow” among each other under the influence of user behavior. However, not all site states can be helpful for recording them in the global blockchain.

The sig describes the evolution of the state of the micro-service from the launch of its local Genesis block (the beginning of the micro-service operation), constantly self-modifying itself (self-modifying of the sig
by the gVM core) by adding a new state to the end of the sig (according to the evolution pattern).

The concept of a proxy sig of a service.
As Actions and Bactions are executed, the service completes the service sig.
The sig should be synchronized on the service side (OFF-Chain side) with the sig, saved in the blockchain block. After verification and synchronization (according to one of the algorithms), the sig can be considered as proxy and ready for the next command.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
The main gas property is the accurate measurability of the involved resources of the decentralized network, and therefore the accurate billing.

This leads to the transparent (for all the participants) basis of the physical background of the service’s prime cost. It’s worth noting that tokens don’t have such a property.

Stable currency:
The currency based on the balance of issue s and the work of the service gas will be guaranteed protected from collapses and cost jumps. And that’s what is attractive for large funds.

Balance as the essence is based on the continuous self-modification of the GONT-Blockchain. Adding a new service leads to the generation of a new “private ownership” within the Blockchain (at the level of the Blockchain’s initial code), which (“private ownership” of the service) will affect the direction of the Blockchain’s development (growth) through the generation of a new type of work (“additional cost”) and topology of the network with an internal transaction routing map, and suchlike.

I.e. the certain feedback mechanism appears in the system, as in a normal self-regulated stationary economics.

All these things will give an opportunity for applying the adapted macroeconomic formulas within the Blockchain network and for forming the cost of the crypto-currency for the open market.

In fact, the currency cost occurs during the “burning” of the service gas through simple and complex service transactions from the end consumers of the service mantle.

GONT currency doesn’t have a center influencing its cost. The cost consists of the gas cost of each service, normalized to the GONT-economics’ balance, and its actual flow for the period. In simply words: the need for purchasing new gas causes the need for issue of money and vice versa.
Activity: 185
Merit: 0
Greetings, friends! Today we will talk about GONT advantages for investors.

The real services of the real world will stand to the maximum benefit from GONT. And this is not only the opportunity of the quick service assemblage in the design mode but also an automatic gateway within the Blockchain.

The most important thing is the opportunity to earn money for those who didn’t even think of becoming a part (one of the providers of their own knowledge) of a global service.

After the introduction of the “service gas” each creator of the service becomes “bit an owner” and continuously receives a profit from the service.

Example: chess24 and film company.

GONT and Blockchain will provide absolutely accurate billing on the use of distributed intellectual property of the service and will automatically distribute the reward. Thereby we’ll cover a huge variety of service websites.

Activity: 185
Merit: 0
The GONT development team completed the final stage in the first technical task: the generation of virtual machines proceeding from the Ontology tree using the example of elections.
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