I0coin hardfork coming has occured![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi0coin.snel.it%2Fi0coin_rotate_32x32.gif&t=591&c=u0rOu6hUbuyb0w)
To everybody who joined us in the resurrection of I0coin and everybody else:
There were some problems with the codebase, most notably the asymmetric difficulty adjustment (slow rise, fast fall). It allows 51% attackers generate more blocks than they should.
The only way to fix it, is to change it in the code and have ALL USERS upgrade. In the
resurrection announcement thread the changes are discussed, starting from this
Please upgrade to at least 0.8.3-2 or current git HEAD
The binaries are signed with my GPG key:
pub 1024D/DE9FC2B3 2006-01-05
Key fingerprint = 6C81 9E6D C784 FC67 B9EC D607 C82E 8484 DE9F C2B3
uid Rik Snel
uid Rik Snel
sub 2048g/CEB8458D 2006-01-05
State of the coin:
At the moment, the hashrate has stabilized at around 10
GH/s TH/s, which is impressive, but still only about 1/3 of IXC and DVC. If you want to contribute to the security of I0coin, please consider mining at
http://mmpool.bitparking.com/pool/ (BTC 0% DGM, NMC/DVC/IXC/GRC/I0C PPS) (you generate BTC, as usual, and you get NMC/DVC/IXC/GRC/I0C for free).
Rather do it yourself using p2pool? In
the announcement there is a small howto. For more in depth coverage of merged mining, see
this excellent topic.
Once the fork is done and the hashrate has climbed, i except exchanges to (re-)introduce this nice coin.
State of the coin, September 10th:The fork has occured. The old, unsupported and unsafe, chain is grinding to a halt. No significant hashing power exists there. Current hashrate is about 15 TH/s. The fork seems to be a success and it it time for the exchanges to pick up this coin. Lightlord has offered a bounty of I0C 25000 to the first exchange that (re)introduces I0coin.
Edit:- Fixed typo in hashrate. Is TH/s, not GH/s.
- Updated post to reflect that the hardfork has occured.