Do you ever seen a movie of "Facebook" ?
have you ever though that people will connect through internet share pictures videos and more. It was unique idea. So You are about dreaming. I'm not focusing on money and ICO. I want to provide a network where everyone can earn easily. Because it's hard for those people who are spending there life without job in poor families. So it will become a unique game where you can make your wishes true. Where you can bring happiness to poor family. You might noticed something that project data is not that much completed as you thinking. But our project is 70% incomplete we need support. So stay in touch if you really wanna see a big change in the world. After social media.
I'm in love with 8 ball pools but no whitepaper at the moment even official website available. I have a question is that game will be blockchain based or you will just integrate this coin as payment method. I know this game has very large community so doubt about the potential but where is the plan?
within in 48 hours everything will be updated. So stay in touch because our team is working on that project very hard. blockchain based will be better because other methods maybe risky.