I overflow your ANN but did I got it right, you are working on a platform where you get signals for trading based on results which are produced through scanning infors of the crypto market/world?
You're right, but You've just described only few of functions of Algory Platform:)
Let me give You more details: Cryptoscanneris going to scan data from crypto market and give You results (signals), as You described. But it is only 1 of 13 functions.Cryptonews will be news aggregator and give You the latest news from the crypto world. By using Backtestet, You will be able to check the profitability of Your strategy on the historical data. By using ICO analyzer, you will be able to check all details about ICOs that You're going to invest or You've already invested in the past (Analyzer is going to check the current development progress of past ICOs). And that's only 4 of 13 functions Please check all 13 and You will see how advanced project is Algory
Thanks for the answer. But crypto news etc will not flow into the signal analysis, or do news etc also affect the signals somehow?
Cantdecide, we are also going to add a sentiment filters to all news. In further development autotrading will be added for news trading. So i.e. when filters find specific words that traders set "i.e. BTC BAN" or something like that, position will be made automatically.
It sounds interesting but how will you avoid abuse through wrong informations spread on the web? Or just maybe poorly written articles, or articles who have a totally other meaning as maybe written clearly? Like sometimes an author just talks about stuff but in the end there is a complete different conclusion. Have you tested such filter etc. already?
Could you give me some answere to this? Would really appreciate this I am really wondering how you would filter those stuff.