What is your edge or advantage compare to the other startups that pursue artificial intelligence?
NEUROSKYInformation: A company operating on the world market of neural technologies since 2004. It develops and implements a mobile headset with the function of a neural assistant, providing biometric data and personalized health indicators to a wide range of users. Drawbacks: The device has modest (relative to Basis Neuro) capabilities in recording brain activity (1 electrode instead of 3-4), and the quality of monitoring (control of the psychophysiological state) is therefore also of low quality.
EMOTIVInformation: The company was founded in 2011 and positions itself in the field of bioinformatics and human brain research using the electroencephalography (EEG) method. The mission of the company is to enable people to understand their own brains and accelerate brain research around the world. Advantages: EMOTIV develops and implements mobile headsets with the function of a neural assistant and neural control for research purposes. It has an affordable monitoring of brain activity for most users. Drawbacks: The company has absolutely no ready-made solutions for everyday use of the neural control function.
MUSEInformation: Interaxon launched its first product in 2014. Muse is a tool for brain fitness and cardiac activity monitoring. It develops and implements a mobile headset with the consumer-grade function of a neural assistant, and for relaxation and anti-stress for a wide range of consumers. Drawbacks: Mental control solutions are not implemented.
ANT NEUROInformation: ANT Neuro was set up in 1997 as a spin-off of the University of Twente, the Netherlands. The company was originally engaged in development of software for advanced source analysis (ASA) of EEG and MEG data. Advantages: The core business has focused on complete solutions for the recording and analysis of neurophysiological signals in neurological, psychological, physiological studies and related clinical use over the past few years. The company produces equipment (brain biopotentials amplifiers) for neural research. ANT Neuro products are used in many world-famous labs. Drawbacks: There are no ready-made solutions for private use outside the lab.
BLACKROCK MICROSYSTEMSInformation: Blackrock Microsystems is a legacy of high-tech innovation developed by Bionic Technologies, a spin-off of the University of Utah in 1997. Advantages: The mission of the company is to lead the market of implantable microsystems by meeting the current and future needs of the world community in neurobiological research. The company develops invasive stationary systems for monitoring brain activity of humans and animals, including for neurosurgical operations. Blackrock Microsystems equipment is used for research in DARPA projects. Drawbacks: The drawback of the technology is the need for surgical intervention to put sensors directly into the human brain.
MINDMAZE SAInformation: MindMaze is a computational neural platform that records and analyzes brain activity. The company develops non-invasive stationary systems for monitoring human brain activity and virtual reality helmets. The developers claim that innovative solutions for healthcare and gaming will soon be ready to transform these industries dramatically. Drawbacks: There are no solutions for mental control of devices.
NEUROWEARInformation: The project team is located in Tokyo and is focused on creating the "communication in the near future" methods. The company borrows the technology for developing prototypes of new products and services based on biological signals, such as brain waves and heartbeats. Drawbacks: Neural headsets for entertainment are based on sensors and NeuroSky technology.
OPENBCIInformation: An open neural platform for researchers, engineers, artists, scientists, designers and developers in general. The mission of the project is to use the electrical signals of the human brain and body to further understand their functioning and expand one’s capabilities. The company develops mobile brain biopotentials amplifiers. The cost is $800 (frame) + $200-500-950 (amplifier) + $20 (batteries) + $150 (Wi-Fi communication module). Drawbacks: It is not a consumer-grade device.
PERSONAL NEURO DEVICESInformation: The company has been engaged in the development of portable all-purpose neural interfaces since 2010. They are positioned in the field of healthcare, military development and communication. Elon Musk and Facebook are working on the device commercialization and are ready to enter the market with a little delay. The purpose of neural headsets is to monitor recovery and rehabilitation after brain concussions. The company entered the Kickstarter neural platform to raise funds for product development; pre-order is available. Drawbacks: There is no working prototype.
NEURAL IMPULSE ACTUATOInformation: The company was engaged in the development of a prototype of a portable neural interface based on the proper technology. The functions of a neural assistant and neural control were announced. Drawbacks: All developments have ceased.
BRAIN LINKInformation: The company has been engaged in the development of portable consumer-grade neural interfaces for a wide range of users on the basis of NeuroSky technology and hardware since 2014. The software for brain training in areas that cover education, health and the entertainment industry is under development. The devices are sold in North America, Europe and the US, Japan, South Korea and mainland China. Drawbacks: No solutions for neural control are available.
FOCUS BANDInformation: The company's founders have been developing a non-invasive neural interface with a function of a neural assistant to control the brain state based on monitoring since 2009. The mission of the company is to create a FocusBand education system that can significantly reduce human stress and teach them methods of deep relaxation. The product is a consumer-grade neural interface. Drawbacks: No solutions for mental control of devices are available.
BASIS NEUROInformation: Universal learning algorithms for recognizing and decoding brain signals, which allows to everyone the control of external devices in real-time mode have been developed. The proper mobile headset for the recording and analysis of brain signals has been created and tested, and an expandable database of decoded images and brain signals suitable for multi-user access has also been created to as we believe allow external partners to use it for their own developments.
The company founders have been conducting scientific research of the brain and creating methods and algorithms of neural monitoring and neural control based on the electroencephalography (EEG) method since 2008. The mobile headset of the neural interface includes 7 sensors – 4 active and 3 peripheral. The price is ~ $700.