bagus nih pengumumannya,jadi tahu tujuannya sebenarnya hanya untuk negara-negara yang melegalkan cannabis.
iy pengguna dari negara yang melegalkan ganja akan diberi perlindungan licensi. jadi target untuk negara yang melegalkan bukan negara yang melarang
walaupun ada negara yang melegalkan pemakaian canabis tetap saja itu hanya legal untuk misalkan pengobatan , bukan di legalkan dan bebas di pakai perorangan / di perjual belikan.
pertanyaanya berapa % negara di dunia yg melegalkan canabis ? terus apa ico ini akan sukses hanya berharap pada negara2 yg di perbolehkan ?
Bisa saja sukses kita tidak tahu contoh kalo agan pernah ikut ico ya Tokes Platform
There are big enough markets in U.S. States for legal Adult-Use (recreational) marijuana, not just medical (treatment), including California starting next year, which is the largest market in the world, $50-100 billion, and Nevada, with incredible tourism, will be the Amsterdam of the U.S. Also, on the Hemp side - the opportunities are even bigger for Industrial Hemp industry, plus medicine and food - all with much less legal restrictions than Marijuana. Also, Canada will legalize marijuana by next year. Uruguay already did. And Cannabis is the fastest-growing industry in the world, more countries will ledgalize, it won't stop because it's helping the world - medicinal cannabis science validation will drive it, along with industrial hemp innovation. Lastly, unlike many ICO platforms, we are developed and launched with clients and growing interest from licensed Cannabis businesses and we are exploring a close partnership with a successful U.S. Hemp Exchange company that works on global deals to provide our platform for them and build out a larger hemp marketplace together.
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