What about a million dollars in algorithmic Stable Cents?
Seigniorage style Stable Cents are an algorithmically governed approach to expanding and contracting a stablecoin’s money supply. You can always redeem 1 Stable Cent for 1 U.S. cent (0.01 U.S. Dollars).
By allowing participants to buy and sell Stable Cents, smart contract acts as a market maker. To buy Stable Cent tokens, participants send funds to Smart Contract, where they are kept as a variable reserve. The primary purpose of Stable Cent reserve is to ensure participants ability to sell Stable Cents; the contract will always offer to buy Stable Cents, drawing on funds from the reserve.
Every day, as soon as new participants buy Stable Cents, the smart contract mints new Cents and distributes them among existing DBC and Stable Cents holders on a pro rata basis depending on market demand.
Powered by Stellar
We Are Here To Enrich The World
Airdrop: 9,000,000 DBC or up to 4.5 billion Stable Cents. Enrich yourselves!
Attention, everybody! Seigniorage revenues to everyone who wishes + up to 30% profit through affiliate program!!!
Pretty soon, we start distributing 9 million Debit Coins (DBC) under our “Stable Cents to the Millions” programme without charge, as we wish to broaden the base of DBC holders receiving the seigniorage as much as possible.
Seigniorage revenue, or seigniorage, is the profit resulting from issuing coins.
At the first stage, we pay
50 DBC to each participant who creates an account with Interstellar: Stellar Wallet and Decentralized Exchange
Every DBC holder can exchange their DBC assets to Stable Cents and receive the seigniorage at the next stage.
The Stable Cent coins amount received for one DBC token (the conversion rate) can’t exceed 500 Stable Cents for 1 DBC** and relies on demand: the higher the DBC exchange rate, the more Stable Cent coins you receive.To boost our community members’ social and economic activity and involvement, we also invite current DBC holders to distribute DBC among their new-registered partners on their own.
You invite new partners, transfer them DBC received from us for Interstellar account registered and get rewards:
10 to
30% of DBC amount transferred to new participants***.
We will transfer funds as you accumulate a pool of registered accounts and send us a list of stellar addresses with opened Trustline.
The benefits of active participation in our Airdrop programme:
• Your partners receive their registration bonus from you, not anyone else. This lays a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership.
• You also get your rewards for your activities.
• You become an active community member and will be able to effectively impact the Community policies in the future.
In order to thank your for your early involvement, we not only pay you rewards, but we also are giving a precious bonus, a credibility with your new partners.
Do you want to transfer DBC to your new partners for their registration by your own? Please follow the link
https://forms.gle/UQAfzbbZDZ7S4Ha87 and fill out the form.
*How to create an Interstellar account and add a Trustline:
1 Stable Cents = 0.01 USD or 100 Stable Cents = 1 USD***How it works:
• Suppose your invited up to
50 partners and all of them sighed up with Interstellar. In this case every of your partners is entitled to receive
50 DBC. We transfer up to
2500 DBC along with
20% comission fee, which may be up to
500 DBC, to your Stellar address. Then you transfer the funds to your partners by your own, acting in good faith.
• Should the quantity of your partners’ registrations exceed
50, we credit you with
50 DBC for each account along with comission fee which is
30% of total amount.
• If you don’t want to spend time transferring DBC, just send your new partners Stellar addresses to us. We’ll transfer DBC to your partners, and you’ll be credited with
10% comission fee.
Hurry up!!! Rewards and comissions can be unilaterally reduced. Anything earned before will be paid in full!
Enrich Yourselves Without Limits!