Hi, I'm trying the android app
If I'm not wrong, by selling your data (facebook, intagram, twitter, etc.) you could get a monthly or weekly income and that's cool. Now I have a question: I think your main competitors in this field should be monster companies like Facebook or Google, am I right? Surely they can sell data at very low prices. So, why the companies should buy data in your platform rather than Facebook or Google at higher prices? Do you think you'll be able to be competitive for any reason not only related to the economic aspect? I like this project, I'm just wondering how it is going to works in the context of an eco system in which we offer free data at every moment of our lives to Google and Friends
Hey testa!
Nice, thank you for your support!
We’re not directly competitive with Facebook and google because they don’t necessarily sell
Your data themselves. They utilize their data within their walled garden to show more relevant ads to you. But you can’t
Go to Facebook and say “give me data about population segment x” and you pay them cash and in return get data. What we do with Datawallet is create a feedback loop between companies and users in Facebook. So if you are a company and you want to sell water to people who like, say, Fiji water then you can go to Datawallet and ask those people who like Fiji if they would give you access to data about them
So that you could learn how to best tailor
Your product around them. You can then take the content you created and more
Meaningful engage with people who like Fiji through a data driven feedback loop. So we effectively help companies utilize Facebook better — which is in Facebook’s interest. We are, however, directly competitive with companies such as Acxiom who scrape public Facebook data and sell this data off. Those companies sell and asset that they don’t own, and due to the fact that they can only access publicly available information, this data only touches the surface level. They can never access all the data you create on Facebook (and other platforms) —
So whenever you give companies the choice to buy data about you, there is no single data broker that could offer better data about you. You have the monopoly of the best data about you. That is why companies such as Acxiom
Will go out of business and that’s why in the future you will be the I t supplier of data about you.
Thank you for your answer, I can only say that I'm even more interested than before in this project. I hope in a whitelist to participate at your ICO, so your earlier supporters will be able to be part of this project. Keep up the good work!