"I believe that the real problem in this world is not climate change; the real problem is us because of our ignorance and apathy. What we have to do is to start changing our ways, to start recalibrating our minds, and redirecting our steps, because together, as a global community, our micro efforts will have a macro effect to help save our home, our planet. Thank you."
-- Karen Ibasco (Miss Earth 2017)
what we need now is an ICO that can bring awareness to the people that global warming is very dangerous and we need to act now in order for us to stay living and we can provide home to the generation. earth token is capable of reducing greenhouses gases, all waste materials can turn into reusable energy in which can use as electricity and heat. it is our duty to protect the environment but if we keep ignoring the fact that the earth needs help. we'll never know what will happen soon.