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I found his TED talk and listened it, very interesting.
A quote from TED site about Aubrey, "Aubrey de Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born."
So he is working about slowing the aging process.
1000 sounds really impossible, but if we find a solution for the aging process, maybe in 60 years 200 years are normal, nobody knows.
I guess a 100 years life expectancy target would be ideal and not 1,000 years, life would be boring by then!
Well we think it would be boring because we can't imagen how this would be.
But 1000 years, this would mean work until you are 980 years old and then get your 20 years retirement
Well 1000 years would bring some totally different problems to this planet and mankind.
When I look at humanity and how they act, I can't believe that they will achieve something like that. There will always be enough idiots and egoistic people who will destroy the chances for humanity and with it nature.