24 Hrs have past since the launch of the best ICO in the history of Crypto.
Things got out of hand in this thread , and i "blame" the community management team. Dont get me wrong guys.
I blame you because you were too soft with the trolls, too polite.
Too civil to 3-4 only people that made an orchestrated attempt to harm the coin and the community itself.
This is the one and only "fault" , which is not entirelly theirs if we want to be fair since everything regarding social media/community management is approved by the management and follow specific guidelines AFAIK.
But some things should have been avoided , in order to keep all things in order and prevent mass hysteria and FUD adoption.
I am watching the thread from the very beginning , the professional trolls were using their unethical ways preparing the ground and started delivering mild hits a couple of hours prior to the official blockchain going live.
For example , if you go back few dozen pages on 31/10/2017 minutes before midnight the Fracas-whatshisname troll was "Accusing" the company of being deliberately one hour late to the launch... ( which even if was true , SO WHAT?!? It was the blockchain going live NOT the listings!! )
The truth is that there was never a delay in the launch , but the troll was - or wanted us to believe that he was - in another TIME ZONE , FOR CHRIST SHAKE!! I live in eastern Europe and the Blockchain was live at UK time 00:00' 05'' , my time 02:00' 05" !! So someone must be really stupid , ignorant or just a paid troll to even imply of such a thing.
Later on, the same troll , along most probably with his fellow colleagues ( numerous new registered accounts and other known scammers ) started an orchestrated attack , using false accusations and FUD methods aiming primarilly to the new crypto users, those who just entered the market, who dont know for example how mining is working in relation to the algorithm difficulty nor how a simple command prompt in a wallet application is written in order to make a transfer or start to mine etc.
They are not tech savvy, so they were proven to be a rather easy "target" once all these issues arouse.
The official site was down a few times, due to the number of requests to the server. This happens all the time even in major news sites guys , even Facebook goes down sometimes! It is not somebodys fault , it just happens due to high traffic and limited bandwidth.
Pools too , same thing.
Every single thing that went wrong had nothing to do with the Electroneum team. Even the mobile wallet's delay was caused because it of the hacking for christs sake.
These things happen, we live in dangerous times and that is the risk we all take by being part of the Crypto market. You can win and lose everything in a fraction of a second.
Other users were just blaming the miners of grabbing their money, for crying out loud!!
But this is how mining works. This is how bitcoin became so huge. This is how the market was created and strengthened and this is the reason that cryptos are gaining mass attention and starting to gain ground in the last 2 years. Early miners were always taking the biggest piece of the pie , simply because this is how the thing works. It is innevitable. The algorithm's difficulty is low , so more blocks are solved. People are professional miners , having invested tens of thousands for this purpose , some are making a living out of it others dont , but this is the reality people. Whether we like it or not.
Consider also that anyone can rent hashing power in order to mine and gain 100x profits , without really owning a "MINING PC". So the accusation of ETN team favoring the miners is NOT VALID. I mined with my GAMING PC for hobby , and got X profit in the 1st 2 hours. But when i rented hash power i got 10x profit with less than 30$ !! So , again , if someone didnt make profit the 1st 6 hrs it is solely his fault.
Next time try to be more prepared! Do your homework and profits will come 100%. With OR without the ICO coins. Consider this a free of charge advise.
We are all in the same page here.
This had nothing to do with the chance to have major early profiting from day 1 and was used by the trolls in order to manipulate you. My ICO coins for example are a fraction of the coins i mined with my PC and the renting hashing power. And i am gonna keep em because i believe in ETN!!!
So Simple.
Nobody can judge or accuse someone who is profiting from his work / strategy / ideas , it is unfair - unethical but mostly hypocritical since you would do the same.
But this is nowhere close to implying that miners are stealing others' money. Or that the Electroneum CEO and team was behind this.Behind what? The 20.000 miners that participated and still participate and will continue to participate in ETN mining??!?!? This is crazy guys.
They are just creating money.This is what mining is. Creating money.
I will not also forget the epic delirium of another user , whom i "met" again few posts above , who was acting like a lunatic simply because Richard Ells crisis management team decided to protect its user base with a 2FA ( 2 factor authentication ) for our OWN ASSETS DAMN SAFETY. I remember him saying that " I DONT WANT THE PROTECTION , I LOST THE PASS , I FORGOT MY 2ND PASSWORD , NO EMAIL WAS SENT AFTER 15 HOURS" , and i really guys wouldn't decide if this behavior was the outcome of a plain stupid individual and/or illiterate person or this was simply another staged performance from a paid troll/fudster. One could simply check the spam folder , and voila there is the email.
Checking the spam folder was also hinted in the users' profile in
RED BOLD LETTERS , it is not nuclear physics!!!
During the last 24 hours i bared witness of almost every single logical and senseless behavioralistic pattern from the majority of users , fortunately most of whom have an above average mentality and have acquired in their lifetime the precious ability to judge whether one is full of sh*t or not.
But there were also a lot of panicked people , behaving irrational , confused people who believed everything the trolls were implying , thus creating more chaos and confusion.
That might again have been avoided if the trolls were blocked in the first place.
Unfortunately though , the trolls' attack continues and will most probably continue, harming all of us who are involved with our money to this really interesting , well marketed and solid ( unlike most alts and ICOs ) project.
I really hope that whoever reads my post now and in the days to come will understand what i am saying i tried not to be more technical and wrote in a rather plain and simple way , and i am reffering to the new users/owners/ICO investors , and that he/she wil be clever enough to identify the fake posts,fudsters,trolls and ignore and report them.
The crypto planet is not inhabited by angels, unfortunately trolls and fudsters are here too, being the equivalent to what the majority of us label as " common thieves". They just want to steal you.By inducing fear-doubt-uncertainty (FUD).You sell low , they buy low and sell high.
Thats all.
Invest to the coin, sell it later if you like and make some profit but always keep at least 80% to your portfolio because common sense dictates that this coin and the electroneum platform in general , will succeed in the not-so distant future.
This post ended up longer that i originally had in mind , sorry for that , but consider it something like a voice of reason among the ridiculousness crescendo we witnessed the past 24 hrs.
Good Luck to everybody on Friday , remember not to sell everything. It is for your own benefit.
We own the coin , we are responsible now for any loss or profit we make , remember that for a transaction to evolve one is selling and another is buying.
Before selling , take a break and think , " Why Is This Person Buying My Fear? ".
Dont sell out of fear.
Sell some when you are OK with it.