kalo soal address pengiriman bounty kayaknya manager udah tegaskan tuh di post terakhirnya, bahwasanya address tidak bisa diganti sesuai dengan rules awal
jadi kalo misalnya ada yang salah kasih address, apa boleh buat harus pasrah bro gak gajian.
bukannya boleh protes ya gan, tadi iseng-iseng saya lihat spreadsheetnya ada yang di kirim manual dikarenakan wallet yang hilang. jadi saya rasa kalau diperbolehkan protes hehe
komplen dan protes mulai tanggal 22 akan diabaikan, itu juga sudah di post ama managernya bro di postingan terakhir, jadi spreadsheet final yang keluar nanti sudah tidak bisa diganggu gugat Lago
bener gan, sudah pasti yang protes tidak akan dilayani karena managernya sendiri sudah mengeluarkan pernyataannya seperti ini.
As stated on previous Team decision message, deadline (21.12.2017 23:59 CET) is reached.
A new deadline will be required as a revised check of users stake (and eventually on-demand revisions) is needed. The new final report sheet will be published by the deadline below and the stakes will be counted in the traditional way (hence leading to higher payouts).
The deadline will be Thursday 21 December 23:59 CET.
As a consequence, the recently announced airdrop, which we proposed as part of our new stake distribution system (now dropped, as explained above), is revoked and postponed to a future date: more details on that will be disclosed in a separate thread once a proper planning is ready.
Starting from now (22.12.2017 00:00), any complaint or dispute about bounty reward stake count and distribution will not be admitted and ignored.
Taken decisions about participants position (positive and negative) received via PM or mail to
[email protected] from December 15th to December 21st are definitive, and will not be changed for any reasons.
Assigned Bounty stake are final, participants accept and agree the traditional stake count, payouts and distribution.
from POST #1
To prevent fraud and theft, the wallet address provided during signup cannot be changed for any reason.
We reserve the right to remove from any campaign user spamming, cheating or using multi-accounts. Negative trust are not allowed to join this campaign, negative trust received during the campaign will result in permanently banning from any campaign, all stakes will be deleted.
We reserve the right to remove any user from any campaign if there is a suspect of their dishonesty: we will not give any explanation.
Users may not be accepted in the campaign for any reasons.
We reserve the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and you accept and agree to the changes. It is your responsibility to check these Terms periodically for changes.
dimana memang eidoo dalam signature campaign sangat ketat, adil dan jujur dan setiap keputusan harus diterima.