jadwal pasti dan plan distribusi bounty nya, karena ico juga sudah selesai sejak lama
Pengumuman dari ENVION, mereka lagi berusaha untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan KYC dahulu kepada investor dan mengembalikan dana kepada investor yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan. supaya di dapat jumlah akhir dari token envion yang terjual. setelah itu selesai baru permasalahan bounty campaign.
I would not say we're all that far away from seeing the spreadsheet. We've made a lot of progress. For example we could eliminate literally thousands of fake Twitter accounts by using their API and, among other things, simply running a script to see which accounts Twitter deactivated because they were bots. Some things like signature bounty and Facebook require us to just click through thousands of links. Most of the work has been done though.
And yes, we are clicking through thousands of links. We have found all manner of attempts to cheat the bounty from people posting envion content as original content (when you refer to "our team" and "our mining operations" it's pretty clear it's a cut and paste job being passed off as original) to inputting the same posts/accounts multiple times hoping we wouldn't notice. We noticed.
What this means for bounty participants is that the humans that participated honestly will be better rewarded than if we had not done the review. it also means there will be a delay. We're sorry for that. However, please keep in mind that envion is still working to verify the final stragglers for KYC for the ICO and until all of that is done, and all refunds are issued to ineligible investors, there is no way to distribute the bounty because it's only after that is done that we will know the final amount of tokens sold and can determine the 2% for bounty.
A longer post will be published this week explaining what is going on. In the meantime, we are sorry to the humans that did a great job with bounty—you'll get you tokens!—and we are not sorry to the bots and cheaters who caused this delay.
setuju dengan pendapat agan, karena semua juga membutuhkan proses dan proses yang di butuhkan juga lama. jadi harus sabar sabar aja gan . kan yang berpartisipasi di proyek ini juga banyak jadi di selesaikan satu per satu dulu ,