Phase 2 Trust: 3X the total number of FUN issued in Phase 1 (emph: ed) will be created and held in trust until
the Phase 2 Dutch auction event.
Phase 2 Auction Date: TBD (Sept likely)
Phase 2 Auction Distribution: Any tokens not sold in the Phase 2 auction will be distributed pro
rata to Phase 1 token holders.
So they are creating 3x the amount of tokens sold in phase 1. If phase 1 is sold out there should be sold tokens for 120 million USD. In phase 2 they then will create tokens for 3x120 million = 360 million USD.
So total token amount in USD will be 120 + 360 = 480 million USD? That will be real fun (for those FUN distributors...)
I think they changed it in the last few days so that the maximum that could be sold in this first crowdsale is circa 10 million USD.
(They've raised about $6 million in ETH so far)