Token Sale Security (UPDATED 01/14/2018)
Gilgamesh Platform's Token Sale will start in less than 12 hours!
Please be alert of potential phishing attacks and remember:
1. We will never send you a direct message to transfer ETH.
2. We only post our Token Sale ETH address on Gilgamesh Platform official token sale page: Don’t trust any direct messages or emails from unfamiliar addresses.
4. Bookmark all important URLs and double check URLs that you click on, watch out for similar looking domain names.
5. Read our official sources such as Twitter, Telegram Channel, Discord Announcement channel and Medium — All announcements will be made through our official sources.
6. Please be careful of direct messages on Telegram or other social channels asking for contributions, and report any attempts that you consider suspicious to our official channels or email us at
[email protected].
If you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected] and you will be assisted as soon as possible.
Gilgamesh Team,
Thank for details of guiding how to buy from Gilgamesh Team. We only need wait 6 hours more to as first early investor
. Waiting with me, everybody!