but for all btc lending investors it is an isuses.
here for example:
10,000$ investing at pre lending,
you get 1,57%
=> 10,000$*1,57 = 157$
change on 8$ = 19,625HBC
sell on price 4$ = 78,50
real incoming = 157/78,50 = 0,50 *1,57% => 0,785%
and if the price keep not synchrom all pre investors lose again.., after certain time period they get ther capital back
next example:
10.000k investing, after 99 days u get capital back in HBC
=> 10000/8 = 1250 HBC
sell on price 4$ *1250 = 5000$
all pre Investers are losing atm ;/ that is the bigest problem!! and if the gap between lending price and externel price growing, so more money we lose all.. Lock for example Westerncoin! The gab is so deep that there coins worthless now.. I hoppe HBC Team stop that gab fast and synchronizing the price or coin will be dying.
If you buy $5,000 on coinexchange you receive 1,250 HBC you then transfer it to the platform and it is now $10,000 dollars in lending power (1,250 x $8.00) then over 99 days you receive 0.015 average interest then you would have “ profited $14850” according to the system in reality you only profited $7,425 because the price is not correct but you also only lender $5000 truly so you technically still made 150%. I do truly hope they fix the sync because people feel deceived when they see a big number but in reality they have to do the math to find their true number. I find it very hard to believe ANYONE is losing money rather they fee they are because the price isn’t synced in reality your still receiveing 150% of your actual true valued investment....this is all my opinion however I bought in at $4.90 and have a “$14,800” life an and I’ve made “$1,550” in 6 days which is in reality $800.
ok one more example for u and for all pre lendings investing 10.000$ with avarage intrest 1,5% per day for 99day timeperiod
10000*0,015*99= 14850 + 10000 (capital back after 99 day) = 24850$/8 = 3106HBC * 4$ = 12425$ - 10000$ =2425$ /99 = 24,50$ real incoming per day => 0,245% that is not much !! and if the gep between lending price and externel price growing more u will lose money!
in case of HBC 3$ externel / 8$ lending
10000*0,015*99= 14850 + 10000 (capital back after 99 day) = 24850$/8 = 3106HBC * 3$ = 9318$ - 10000$ =-682$ /99 = -6,89$ real incoming per day => -0,069%