UPDATE1. RND Development
Due to the fact that the outline of front-end functions and search engines for people seeking for employment seemed to be happening to frequently, this week will be based upon the details of the backend work. Although all details of the work can not be revealed at this point, a brief overview of the operations going on will be discussed.
Membership registration utilized by various SNS servicers for quick registration, and the production of e-mail notification functions have currently been completed. Furthermore, series of tasks related to the OTP authentications as well as other authentication methods are currently under progress.
The role of the middleware server is significantly important as it will play the part of transmission between the mixed utilization of erc-20 and hyperledger blockchain.
Presently, the link to erc-20 with the hyperledger’s blockchain network, CA nodes, inquiry nodes as well as the transaction generating nodes are being developed.
A coin server that will be used within the JOBus platform is currently being established. Using the current developed technologies, improvements are being made upon the server to best fit our services. The current stage of progress is at the point for the creation of wallets, as well as processing deposits and withdrawals.
Images below are the sample pages that for the features such as talent search, which will be described in the next week’s update.
This image shows the top of the talent search page, with the inclusion of the header.
The image above is the bottom of the talent search page with the inclusion of the footer.
We hope to greet you with a more polished form of the service the next time we meet.
2. Marketing
Presently, the Korean, English and the Chinese versions for the LIUM Whitepaper has been finished and is currently under the progress of its design procedures. In addition, the LIUM team is currently working on the designs of JOBus’ new logo. As much as the logo will be significant in determining the image it will give to the platform, the LIUM team is leaning all strengths and ideas on forming their new logo. Stay updated with the LIUM team to read about the new form of the whitepaper in all three languages, as well as JOBus’ new logo.