What should I do to buy myDFS tokens with bitcoin? I have bitcoin only
You should contact us using website or investor app and specify your Eth wallet, because MyDFS tokens are only stored in Ethereum compatible wallets.
How do you fight with DDOS attacks? wanna know your way
Our servers have multiple protection layers: we use CloudFlare to protect against DDoS and other network-based attacks, we use the Wallarm web firewall to protect against threats originating on the web
Who is your CEO? wanna check him/her out
CEO Viktor Mangazeev In 2016, Viktor founded uTrener.com (utrener.com), a daily mobile fantasy sports platform that launched in Russia to great success. uTrener gained traction in almost no time. The company then launched a white-label app for Eastern European biggest hockey league, KHL, and is widely expanding its offerings to markets throughout Europe and the UK, and obtained the license of UK Gambling Commission in 2017
What exactly can I use MyDFS token for? Please get me into detailes
"MyDFS tokens is an additional way for us and users to grow the value of what they own and win, and stay engaged and interested. They can be used to: Participate in games (pay entry fees, receive winnings); Buy in-game content and subscriptions; P2P transfers inside the platform; Invest in other players on the platform; Withdrawals to crypto exchanges to get other cryptocurrencies or fiat money "
How do I create my erc20 wallet? please heeelp...
We recommend using MyEtherWallet but you may also use other native Ethereum wallets as long as they are ERC-20 compatible, such as Metamask, Mist or imToken.