A blockchain-powered daily fantasy sports platform, MyDFS promises to improve the gaming experience for uncountable amount of fantasy sports enthusiasts around the world by delivering better speed, ease-of-use, transparency, governance and accountability. This mobile based fantasy sports ecosystem has been created by the founders of uTrener and KHL Fantasy, two of European earliest and most popular daily fantasy sports platforms.
MyDFS is all set to redefine the industry by connecting the sports fans around the world to an ecosystem that is transparent, easy-to-use, and token buyers friendly. Built on smart contracts, MyDFS runs on mobile devices to address a number of issues that have plagued the fantasy sports industry. The ultimate goal of this project is to simplify the user experience to make the games enjoyable for all types of players.
Read the details in the article of Coinidol dot com, the world blockchain news outlet: https://coinidol.com/creators-of-utrener-introduce-mydfs/