Thanks for sharing, a nice little article summarizing Natmin and the latest happenings. Certainly looking forward to the low transaction fees of only 0.5% each between buyer and seller
Looks like the media is starting to pick up on Natmin. Things are looking good on their end. Honestly I think the idea of using smart contract is interesting and different. I don't think I've used an escrow service where smart contracts where used.
Natmin is getting alot of attentio from Media and review team!
Which is indeed a good thing for them!
And you don't see projects like this too often! So those attention makes sense!
I am glad you saw the way I did
It's a major win for everyone, the project, the investors and the team when the right attention is given and a lot of adoption happens as well in that light
I think given they are in Australia they could be attract many from that area. Adoption could start from there and find its way to other regions. I find it easy to attract people from the same region where the business is. easier and cheaper marketing.
Most important part is that they know the market situation around that country and they would have done their research there. I agree its very easy to establish there and move forward to other locations.