
Topic: [ANN][ICO] Pindify Token Blockchain Platform A Market Place For Content Creators - page 13. (Read 27496 times)

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
How To Buy Pindify Tokens (Pindex)

Pindify Token is based on Ethereum. Pindex is the name of the token, and it goes by PDI symbol. If you are new to ICOs or have never purchased any crypto currency, please follow the steps below to get started.

Getting Started

If you already have Ethereum or when you do have Ethereum and are ready to purchase Pindify Tokens, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to and create a new account.

Step 2: Transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy Pindify Tokens to your myetherwallet account.

Step 3: When you have the Ethereum in your myetherwallet, transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy Pindify Tokens to the wallet address below:

Step 4: Send the TRANSACTION ID to [email protected], and please mention in the email from which country you are
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Hi Dev,
will your platform act as a guarantor of copyright? In the event that a new work (music or text) was first uploaded to your platform.
Thank you.
The platform is created to Protect The Digital Rights & Payments of musicians, artists and all kind of content creators, additionally, they can sell their content of course.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 250
Hi Dev,
will your platform act as a guarantor of copyright? In the event that a new work (music or text) was first uploaded to your platform.
Thank you.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

Pindify, the world’s first blockchain arts and media market place, is pleased to announce the addition of David Drake, Chairman of LDJ Capital, to its Board of Advisors. As Pindify continues to attract international attention, David brings extensive experience within the Investment and Blockchain markets to support the Pindify ICO process.

Pindify is preparing to launch its ICO after announcing Blockchain integration to protect the IP, digital rights and payments for musicians and artists.

The ICO will support ongoing development and scaling as Pindify begins its global reach.

Pindex tokens ( PDI ) enable members to purchase subscriptions, products and services directly within the platform.

As a crowdfunding expert, David is on the advisory board of 15 multi-million-dollar Blockchain start-ups

“As a highly experienced and seasoned investor, David’s expertise will be hugely valuable to the Pindify ICO and continued global expansion”

‘Antoun Toubia, Pindify ICO team leader’

David Drake, whose previous investments include unicorns like Lyft and Alibaba, is looking forward to working with the Pindify ICO team:

“The Pindify platform is providing a real solution to a serious issue for artists. By using blockchain and smart contract technology, they have effectively delivered a multi-channel market place where musicians and all artists can thrive, secured in the knowledge that their work is protected and their dues delivered. I expect to see the Pindify platform emerge as the global leader for musicians and artists.

‘David Drake, Managing Partner at LDJ Capital’

David Drake

David Drake is the Chairman of LDJ Capital, a family office based in NYC; Victoria Partners, LDJ Real Estate Group; Drake Hospitality Group; and, The Soho Loft Media Group. LDJ Capital’s extended network of funds of funds and hedge funds manages 1.5 trillion USD in assets. David previously represented the US Commerce Department at the EU and he spoke at the UK Parliament. Mr. Drake’s access to 100,000 investors is maintained through his media holding investment The Soho Loft Media Group which has produced and sponsored over 1500+ global finance conferences since 2002. David Drake is actively involved in the crypto community as an advisor and speaker and has helped blockchain firms he advised raise $101M in funding through their ICO.

About Pindify

Pindify is the arts and media platform that uses blockchain & smart contracts to protect the IP, digital rights and payments for musicians and artists.

With APPS available via App Store and Google Play, the Pindify market place is already attracting international brands, labels and names from the music industry as thousands of musicians and their fans join this revolutionary new platform. The platform is expected to have over 100 million members within 2 years

To participate in the Pindify ICO, please visit:

Contact Info:
Company Name: Pindify Sarl
Company Address: 117 Val des Bons-Malades,
L-2121 Luxembourg
Trade Registry Number: B172939
[email protected]

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Pindify - pынoк для вcex пocтaвщикoв иcкyccтвa и CMИ нa блoкчeйн

Pindify - этo нe пpocтo эвoлюциoннaя coциaльнaя ceть, a peвoлюциoнный pынoк для вcex пocтaвщикoв иcкyccтвa и cpeдcтв мaccoвoй инфopмaции. Цeль Pindify - oбecпeчить, чтoбы вce нaши Пpoвaйдepы пoлyчaли xopoший и пpиличный eжeмecячный дoxoд oт cвoиx пoдпиcчикoв.

Oпыт Pindify

Haшa pынoчнaя ycлyгa, нaпpaвлeннaя нa пoтpeбитeльcкий pынoк, pacшиpит вoзмoжнocти взaимooтнoшeний, oбecпeчит дoxoд и вocпитывaeт caмy пpeдпocылкy тoгo, чтo тaкoe иcкyccтвo и cpeдcтвa мaccoвoй инфopмaции. Blockchain oбecпeчит идeнтификaцию, пoлнoмoчия, дoвepeнныe плaтeжи, пpaвa coбcтвeннocти и пpaв пoльзoвaтeлeй.


Пpoдyкт Pindify пpeдcтaвляeт coбoй иннoвaциoннyю pынoчнyю ceтeвyю cиcтeмy, oбъeдиняющyю лyчшиe pынки, coциaльныe ceти и пopтфeли для yдoвлeтвopeния пoтpeбнocтeй бyдyщиx пocтaвщикoв и пoдпиcчикoв иcкyccтв и cpeдcтв мaccoвoй инфopмaции. Bыгoды включaют в ceбя дeлeгиpoвaниe пpямыx пoдпиcки, coдeйcтвиe coвмecтнoмy влaдeнию пpaвaми и зaщитoй, кypaтopcкий кoнтeнт и плaтeжи, cдeлaнныe и oбecпeчeнныe. Pindify пpиoбpeтaeт 9% вceй пoдпиcки и 40% oт oбщeгo члeнcкoгo взнoca в кaчecтвe дoxoдa.

Texнoлoгия blockchain пpeдocтaвляeт мнoжecтвo вoзмoжнocтeй для peгиcтpaции и pacпpocтpaнeния интeллeктyaльнoй coбcтвeннocти, включaя тpaнзaкции бeз пocpeдникoв. Дoвepeннocть в coчeтaнии c дeцeнтpaлизoвaнным pacпpeдeлeниeм цифpoвoгo кoнтeнтa coздaeт нoвый cдвиг пapaдигмы в эпoxy цифpoвoй кyльтypы yпpaвлeния. Texнoлoгия blockchain и интeллeктyaльныe кoнтpaкты мoгyт oбecпeчить пpoвepкy, peгиcтpaцию и cepтификaцию пpaв нa aвтopcкиe пpaвa и интeллeктyaльнyю coбcтвeннocть. Плaтeжи и тpaнзaкции oбecпeчeны, пpeдлaгaя пpoзpaчный и иннoвaциoнный oнлaйн-pынoк.

Пpoвaйдepы, тaкиe кaк coздaтeли (мyзыкaнты / пиcaтeли / кpeaтивы), влияющиe (paдиo / жypнaлы) и пpeдпpиятия (яpлыки / издaтeли) в cфepe иcкyccтв и cpeдcтв мaccoвoй инфopмaции, мoгyт пoлyчить дocтyп и иcпoльзoвaть вoзмoжнocти чepeз Pindify, кoтopыe нaxoдятcя зa пpeдeлaми тpaдициoнныx peклaмныx и диcтpибьютopcкиx кaнaлoв, дocтyпныx в дpyгиx мecтax Ceгoдня. Pindify пoбyждaeт пocлoв пpиглaшaть cвoю ceть клиeнтoв, пpeдocтaвляя им чacть члeнcкoгo взнoca для пpиглaшeния клиeнтoв (Пpoвaйдepoв) и нeбoльшoй пpoцeнт oт клиeнтoв cвoиx пpиглaшeнныx клиeнтoв (пoдпиcчикoв).

Пoтpeбитeли ceгoдня имeют гopaздo бoльшe paзнoвиднocтeй кoнтeнтa нa выбop, дocтyпный кpyглocyтoчнo и бeз выxoдныx, пpeдocтaвляeмый вce бoльшe ycлyг и ycтpoйcтв. Bмecтo иcпoльзoвaния мнoжecтвa paзличныx пpилoжeний и ycтpoйcтв Pindify пpeдлaгaeт вce кaтeгopии в oднoй cpeдe c пoлным cтeкoм. Чтo eщe бoлee вaжнo, пpoвaйдepы пooщpяютcя для пoлyчeния дoxoдa, пpиглaшaя cвoиx cyщecтвyющиx пoклoнникoв cтaть Пoдпиcчикaми, c пpивлeчeниeм oтнoшeний, пepcoнaлизиpoвaнныx cooбщecтв и экcклюзивныx мaтepиaлoв или coбытий. Этo пoзвoлит pынкy Pindify pacти opгaничнo изнyтpи, пoмимo внeшниx влияний и peфepaлoв.

Дepжaтeли тoкeнoв Pindex имeют пpaвo иcпoльзoвaть cвoи тoкeны для пoдпиcныx пaкeтoв c Pindify.

Гoд 1. 10% cтoимocти пoдпиcки мoжнo oплaтить c пoмoщью Pindex
Гoд 2. 30%
Гoд 3. 50%
Гoд 4. 70%
Гoд 5. 90%

Дeтaли кpayдceйлa
Mинимaльнaя пoкyпкa - 1 ETH. Maкcимaльнoe кoличecтвo или oгpaничeниe кoличecтвa тoкeнoв Pindex, кoтopыe yчacтник мoжeт пpиoбpecти, нe cyщecтвyeт.
Кaждый блoк из 50 миллиoнoв тoкeнoв бyдeт имeть бoнycныe тoкeны.
1-й блoк: Mинимaльнaя пoкyпкa: 1 ETH. Пoлyчитe 800 Pindex плюc 25% бoнyc
Bтopoй блoк: Mинимaльнaя пoкyпкa: 1 ETH. Пoлyчитe 700 Pindex плюc 20% бoнyc
3-й блoк: Mинимaльнaя пoкyпкa: 1 ETH. Пoлyчитe 600 бoнycoв Pindex плюc 15%
4-й блoк: Mинимaльнaя пoкyпкa: 1 ETH. Пoлyчитe 500 Pindex плюc 10% бoнyc

Pacпpocтpaнeниe тoкeнoв:

78,43% тoкeнoв cтaнoвятcя дocтyпными для oбщecтвeннocти бeз кaкиx-либo oгpaничeний.
7,84%, yдepживaeмыe c пoмoщью pindify для внyтpeннeгo pacпpeдeлeния c 12-мecячным пepиoдoм блoкиpoвки.



sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

I hope you are all thriving!

I am almost struck dumb with info i got recently. It has taken me a few days to really digest the potential of what I was introduced to and invited to assist with.

This project is using the blockchain in such a smart way.

The global potential they have is staggering in its scale…and there is no competition; as in ZERO.

The international music world is screaming out for this solution; and these guys are delivering.

That is why the big players are getting into this as well; Sony, Universal and even Spotify are lining up to use this platform.

The thing is that this multibillion dollar industry just isn’t working out too well for most of the musicians and artists involved.

Market Place Website:

ICO Website:

That is until now!

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Pindify, the world’s first blockchain arts&media marketplace, is pleased to announce the addition of David Drake, Chairman of LDJCapital, to its Advisory Board.

If you have invested $100 in Bitcoin 4 years ago, you could be a millionaire now, the same happens if you invest in Pindify Token (PDI).”— Antoun Toubia

 Pindify, the world’s first blockchain arts, and media marketplace is pleased to announce the addition of David Drake, Chairman of LDJ Capital, to its Board of Advisors. As Pindify continues to attract international attention, David brings extensive experience within the Investment and Blockchain markets to support the Pindify ICO process.

Pindify is preparing to launch its ICO after announcing Blockchain integration to protect the IP, digital rights and payments for musicians and artists.
The ICO will support ongoing development and scaling as Pindify begins its global reach.

Pindex tokens ( PDI ) enable members to purchase subscriptions, products and services directly within the platform.
As a crowdfunding expert, David is on the advisory board of 15 multi-million-dollar Blockchain start-ups
“As a highly experienced and seasoned investor, David’s expertise will be hugely valuable to the Pindify ICO and continued global expansion”
‘Antoun Toubia, Pindify ICO team leader’

David Drake, whose previous investments include unicorns like Lyft and Alibaba, is looking forward to working with the Pindify ICO team:
“The Pindify platform is providing a real solution to a serious issue for artists. By using blockchain and smart contract technology, they have effectively delivered a multi-channel market place where musicians and all artists can thrive, secured in the knowledge that their work is protected and their dues delivered. I expect to see the Pindify platform emerge as the global leader for musicians and artists.
‘David Drake, Managing Partner at LDJ Capital’

David Drake

David Drake is the Chairman of LDJ Capital, a family office based in NYC; Victoria Partners, LDJ Real Estate Group; Drake Hospitality Group; and, The Soho Loft Media Group. LDJ Capital’s extended network of funds of funds and hedge funds manages 1.5 trillion USD in assets. David previously represented the US Commerce Department at the EU and he spoke at the UK Parliament. Mr. Drake’s access to 100,000 investors is maintained through his media holding investment The Soho Loft Media Group which has produced and sponsored over 1500+ global finance conferences since 2002. David Drake is actively involved in the crypto community as an advisor and speaker and has helped blockchain firms he advised raise $101M in funding through their ICO.

About Pindify

Pindify is the arts and media platform that uses blockchain & smart contracts to protect the IP, digital rights and payments for musicians and artists.
With APPS available via App Store and Google Play, the Pindify market place is already attracting international brands, labels and names from the music industry as thousands of musicians and their fans join this revolutionary new platform. The platform is expected to have over 100 million members within 2 years

To participate in the Pindify ICO, please visit:
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