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Spotree ICO is closed
Because we have only collected 6.11 ETH for over a month, we decided to end Spotree ICO.
We would like to thank you for your interest in the project and participation in our bounty program.
We regret to inform you that our crowdsale minimum target has not been reached.
As a result, SPT tokens will not be created and distributed, and all paid ETH/BTC will be returned.
For those who bought SPT, to receive your ETH/BTC, please write to
[email protected] with the following information:
1) How much ETH/BTC did you pay
2) From which address the payment was made
3) To which crowdsale address the payment was made
4) What is your username and email in the Spotree platform
In the mail, please write a statement: "I agree to receive a refund at the address
from which I made the payment."
Please remember that we will refund your BTC/ETH only to address from which you made payments.
If you lost you wallet, please let us know.