I can see Emmie the hardworking CEO all smiles and at work, i have a good vibes about this project very much due to the hardworking nature of team especially CEO herself, thanks for the link and i think i have to on my notification so i get update real fast about the project on twitter
I think they are in talks to incorporate in the US and they are just waiting to ensure the token is considered as a utility and not as a security. I think this is them sorting the incorporation out.
Why would it be bad for the crypto market if the tokens are seen as securities? as far as I know this just means more paperwork for the company and more paperwork for the citizen when doing taxes
Hold on there do you mean to say long term or short term. Securing assets with cryptocurrency for short term is fine but on a long term will be risky for something which value is volatile and any small rumours can affect the price in both ways.
P. S i am a strong believer in crypto btw.