What about the contest ? Why all the posts had been deleted ?
Because encouraging spam is against forum rules, especially when it's for a scam like Worldcore.
You'll notice moderators have also deleted many of FintechEU's posts about it here too & he hasn't posted for a week - so he's probably been banned himself. That would explain why his alt/shill account dubignyp is posting so much instead. FintechEU isn't the first Worldcore scammer to get banned though & he won't be the last either - dubignyp will be next if he continues to spam other threads.
It's good that moderators are banning these scammers & spammers, but too late for the suckers who fell for this scam though I'm afraid.
You're just saying bullshit...
Anything, he's still alive the head of FintechEU ads, we still see his posts. There's always his posts.
What about me??? lol...
I am a Swiss, speaking French, I do the translation with the translator help at deepl to speak English here.
I'm in the corner newspaper facebook group. And we're talking about ICOs that were attacked as Worldcore by you.
They talk about it in the French-speaking crypto group "groupe journal du coin".
I am a simple citizen who defends real projects like Worldcore and who attacks spamers who invent stories, vulgar, defamation and so on...
And of course you've indicated who you are as children looping around.
But, do not worry, the taxes in Switzerland have registered Worldcore so it is real. And WRC tokens will serve as annual turnover bonuses (as dividends).
There are other tokens in the marketcap that also serve as a bonus or otherwise as a service for the blockchain.
All the team of spammer scammer in the other thread of discussions does not like me ? It's normal, because I reveal your behavior and what you are. I reveal the truth about the hidden side of your home. You are mainly 3 or 4 quite active to turn in loop, seeing well that you know neither the crypto, nor the blockchain.
And there you have also proved by yourself, as for the other that you take up sentences and you distort them.
You even make up Internet users and you invent the identity of Internet users by telling me that I am paid by Worldcore. Haaaaaaaa
I laugh loud.
I talked about it on Facebook on the crypto group for the French, saying that I am now made to look like a spammer paid by Worldcore, according to you
. They all said that Worldcore is not alone and they have come up with other projects with the same kind of attack, the same thing. There are also other amateur crypto that have been distorted from their text in the same way you do here.
What you make up in your delusions against Worldcore, you do the same to Internet users
Now you also get out your child behavior. It's like you all have the same mentality. I wonder if you are 1 person for 3 or 4 aliases ? (I wouldn't be surprised. The behaviour of schizophrenia disease is to have several identities in one's life.)
The proof in picture :