this is what went wrong- my apologies community, i wasnt fast enough to capture TOKUGAWAs initial replys before he erased them and banned me from TOK public Telegram chatbox.
these are what was saved from TOK Dev private chat attempted cover-up. sorry i doubled up on a few of these. Guys dont multitask. Allow me to begin...
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:09]
all this XUV merge Bullshit. just wasted our momentum. As a result can Tokugawa provided a specific date now for Qryptos and or HitBTC listing? Quote "easily" shouldnt take long then correct?
also- can we hear from the XUV dev as to why after showing images in ANN thread of almost enough DOT to list on Cryptopia- Nothing Developed. Is this really the Dev TOK community wants or needs? why arent you people questioning this. Why was No community vote given. TOK risks labelled as scam as result. In My Opinion- Not Fair Dev
could the New XUV dev onboard please come forward, present him/herself and explian why those DOT coins never paid Cryptopia fees as suggested many times within BitcoinTalk. I was a Big TOK fan until a few days ago now Very Wary regarding this merge with a failed project
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:25]
why are my posts being deletedd. do you Not want fair discussion
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:26]
lets have community transparacy
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:27]
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:27]
Then Why Has TOK become involved with XUV problems?
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:28]
WHO has benefited exactly? Me? Us? Initial investors? Price disagrees
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:28]
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:28]
that is speculation
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:28]
that we are YET to See. Same as XUV being listed
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:29]
TOK made somethig good before adapting XUV
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:30]
TOK is highlighted. yes. But Not my posts it would seem. aND you know I AM TRYING TO PROMOTE
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:31]
sorry caps lock
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:31]
wasnt yelling. yet
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:33]
you will find me VERY effective in getting my opinion shared. And correct people contacted. Take you for example. Please dont delete me posts again IF i have legit concern else i will post these concerns elsewhere
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:39]
So what has that to do with XUV coin. I want TOK to be household name, doesnt mean i want VIRUS alert warnings merged int this project. Android wallet was planned before XUV collapse.
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:39]
why is XUV dev Not communicating?
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:40]
If i want SALT investment i would foremost sell the XUV coin i was wary of to begin with. wouldnt you
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:41]
XUV dev is also communicating but not in office right now
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:41]
we work in shifts
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:42]
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:42]
bye bye
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:42]
you just banned me from general chat???
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:42]
How is that helping THIS investor?
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:43]
banned for 1 day
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:43]
will dump happen now
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:43]
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:44]
did not get you
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:45]
what is th point of a forum if opinion is deleted. You now look to be hiding facts
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:45]
what is th point of a forum if opinion is deleted. You now look to be hiding facts
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:50]
we do not need negativity
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 16:50]
we are open to discussion but the noobs / newbies get scared by this
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 16:53]
definately hiding the fact it seems. You have deleted you own messages stating Crytopia rejected XUV listing regarding wallet VIRUSES. I am also Noob point irrelevant. I also copied earlier messages. As ya do
pretty disappointed that i should post legitimate concern regarding the XUV merger in chat only to result in those comments being deleted along with you own comments about XUV wallet viruses being the cause for crytopia denial. resulting in an obviousl fallout betwen me and you. You being the Lead TOK Tokugawa coin dev. Disgusting. A Total Disgrace. Hardly Honourable Japanese behavior btw, i doubt it will be the Devs who FALL on this Sword. Bitcoin Minion.
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 18:12]
it is now obviously TOK & XUV promised 1000% ROI+ but now by combining coins MN rewards PLUMMET and devs get 2 sets of investors. Investors suffer untrue ROI promises and TOK has finances to (maybe) survive provided you two dont up and leave this project. That =Scam. No other explanation fits this senario. Well played. Pity your names become mud in the process i would say. Shameful
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 18:13]
How do TOK buy XUV at 2:1 when you burnt unsold coins?
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 18:13]
that was lies aye
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:09]
unsold coins were locked
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:09]
now the locked coins are given to XUV holders
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:10]
this way the dev cannot have the coins and no one from dev team can sell coins
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:10]
ROI can go low to 300% but coin price will be $2 or $3
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:10]
then ROI x 2 or ROI x 3 multiplies
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 18:12]
it is now obviously TOK & XUV promised 1000% ROI+ but now by combining coins MN rewards PLUMMET and devs get 2 sets of investors. Investors suffer untrue ROI promises and TOK has finances to (maybe) survive provided you two dont up and leave this project. That =Scam. No other explanation fits this senario. Well played. Pity your names become mud in the process i would say. Shameful
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 18:13]
How do TOK buy XUV at 2:1 when you burnt unsold coins?
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 18:13]
that was lies aye
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:09]
unsold coins were locked
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:09]
now the locked coins are given to XUV holders
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:10]
this way the dev cannot have the coins and no one from dev team can sell coins
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:10]
ROI can go low to 300% but coin price will be $2 or $3
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:10]
then ROI x 2 or ROI x 3 multiplies
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 19:55]
what you say makes mattersworse for TOK inveters to save XUV investers arse on the surface. You posted to ANN that those coins were burnt. As in sent to an address without privkey. You added flames to post. So how the hell do they become 'unlocked' and distrabuted after that. Endless scaming. TOK WAS already at $2.40usd just prior to XUV Bullshit announcement. You have failed to unlock my chat ability here. I will voice my concerns elsewhere Anywhere & Everywhere i deem neccessary. You fools have had enough time and communication to address my concerns for this project. and all i got wa banned . So Be It
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:57]
The coins cannot be sent to an address without priv key as this is PoS coin
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:57]
this PoS based coin means Proof of stake
Tokugawa Coin, [23.12.17 19:57]
PoS has to have 1 or 2% of total coins staking always, only then the network keeps getting masternode rewards
Bitcoin Minion, [23.12.17 19:59]
oh right so you two have ALL unsold coins staking in one wallet. do your other MN operators know of this?
i viewed ALL coins on MNO. Saw XUV almost liked it. Not Really. Read ALL ANN Threads on MN coins i almost liked, incl XUV. Yet i didnt buy into that Coin Dev Or Potential Con. I read ALL the statements saying TOK & XUV devs are the same person (and frowned) i read you were friends etc. Then read Merge and that is NOT Who or what i invested in. What is my compensation for that senario? Now i find out locked/burnt coins werent burnt at all. I think in such case- i (we) deserve some of those unburnt coins as much as anybody who brought XUV. Sound reasonable?? I thought so. Respond to this please.
X amount of hours later...
...I Rest My Case.
(Do I Not Give Fair Warning?!).