Zeek, our sister company, along with countless other are able to sell gift cards through our protocol. And yes Amazon and Xbox are one the over 350 retailers that Zeek currently works with.
I think everyone is focusing on Amazon and Xbox, but what we should be really talking about is the fact that you have 350 retailers in the mix and that is an impressive number. Is there a need for more in this early stages of the project?
You can preview most of the brands and retailers that will be available to Zeex at our our sister site https://www.zeek.me/gb/buy-gift-vouchers/
As for a need for more retailers, we have many interested parties and will let the community know when we are launching them.
And the number could go up rapidly if the project does good once it hits the exchange. Is there any limit to how many retailers you can handle or does something like that not exist in your line of work?
There will be no limit to the amount of suppliers who can use the Zeex protocol!