Will be announced after ICO.)
Does CrowdCoinage accept any other cryptocurrenciec besides Ether?
ERC20 tokens are also a perfect match with our OS. These tokens are highly configurable by smart contracts. Both tokens and smart contracts will be the central part of the service that we will be offering.
What is the ERC20 standard?
I want to clarify. That is, in the future it will be possible to pay for services on this platform and ETH and CCOS?
The token itself is of a minor practical use and would not hold its value for long if it does not have any functionality required to interact with other applications or other tokens via the Ethereum blockchain. The methods that need to be implemented are for example related to transfers, a total supply and a balance on an address. The standard was developed to ensure that these basic interaction methods would be duly implemented. The advantage of Ethereum is that all well-known exchanges are accepting these types of tokens allowing the support for custom tokens to be implemented in our OS.
Yes (ETH and CCOS)