Thread yang simpel,tidak ada informasi lengkap tentang proyek ini.Tim nya pun tidak di publikasi.apakah masih ada update kedepan nya.Suplay lumanyan banyak dengan rate ico yang tinggi.Ico di mulai 11 hari lagi semoga bisa berjalan lancar sampai akhir nanti.
Amat sangat simple, berharap masih ada informasi lanjutan, karena masih membutuhkan keyakinan dalam proyek ini. GlodCoin berharap dapat berkembang, semoga dapat berjalan lancar dan mesti ada trik yang bagus agar dapat berhasil dalam penjualan tokennya.
Iya bener gan, threadnya saja terlalu simple bagi kita dan tidak memberikan informasi yang padat dan jelas, tidak diberitahukan tentang informasi timnya juga, tetapi kita tunggu saja gan hingga ico dimulai, semoga saja banyak peminatnya
Kan bisa dilihat di website resmi gan, atau malah bisa download whitepaper nya. Menurut ane ga terlalu jd masalah sih kalau thread nya pendek, justru kadang malah buat kita lebih aktif utk baca dan cari tau lebih detil.
kalo masalah itu ane kurang tau gan tapi kalo bisa emang harus udah lengkap tanpa harus download segala kalo kayak gini kan kesannya jadi kayak ngga niat, walaupun nantinya kita tetep harus masuk ke websitenya tapi kalo threadnya udah bagus kan jadi banyak orang yang tertarik
Thank you for your observation guys . To make this project come to fruition the developer must have copious experience in this kind of project and the Team is really passionate to really make it.
now let me present to you the developer of this project. Khemani
Full-Stack Web Application Developer
A Cisco Certified Web Developer who is an end-to-end system developer.
He is a full-stack web engineer who is fiercely passionate about the user experience and interaction of a product.
He inherently understands that the customer is the single most valuable asset an organization can have,
and is driven by the unrelenting pursuit of customer-driven focus, ideals and user experience.
He initially worked for an Australian company form 2012-2016 as their Chief Technology Officer
and Branch Manager. Under his management were a group of experienced full-stack
developers focused on developing a product that would serve a massive clientele, and
workforce of the company. In the short time, he automated every single process in the
ecosystem of the company and personally trained the sales team which brought in sterling
business for the company.
In mid 2016, the 20-year old company he was working for was acquired by an international
company. He then decided immediately to acquire the local operations in his country and
convert it to purely a software development company, and pursue his desired dream to become
a tech entrepreneur.
Since then his company is dealing on a regular basis with several international clients,
specifically from the U.S. and Australia, and serving various government units in creating
massive technological developments. His focus is to create systems with the philosophy that
technology should adjust to humans, not vice-versa. He gives premium to innovation that
disrupts existing ecosystems with cutting edge technology, and simplicity to its users.
For more than 10 years, he has been working on projects with his passionate team using
frameworks such as Django Python, VueJS, REST Api, ReactJS, Nginx, Bootstrap, XML, and
NodeJS. His team loves using PostgreSQL as its object-relational database management
Have a good day everyone