Thank you for bringing this project to my attention. I like these medical blockchain projects. I'm currently working, but I'll take a closer look at it in the evening
I agree, however Dentix is extremely unique compared to other medical blockchain projects, it is not only a token that can be used as a currency to pay for health care it's an entire platform that helps patients have a more transparent experience with their dentist and it will help dentists work faster and more cost-efficiently.
The platform provides a wide variety of services for patients and dentists, for example they will be able to communicate through a messaging service, book appointments, schedule work tasks, leave reviews, pay for services, earn tokens, find new patients and many more.
Well, still going through the whitepaper but i like the review part, had a bad dental experience last year, trust me, it wasn't pleasant, avenues such as this will give individuals the opportunity to fight back when such occurs by dropping their reviews, i also like the fact that those who reveal their identities will be rewarded, which will give room for genuine reviews