⚡⚡⚡Good news⚡⚡⚡,
This is Roman, Research center "Synthestech”.
An outstanding Russian scientist in geochemistry, Vladimir Krivitsky, PhD in geology and mineralogy at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU), author of numerous scientific articles and 3 books on ⚡transmutation of chemical elements⚡, joined the "Synthestech” team of advisers to support us in development of our Project. Together we will accomplish great things for sure!
Quit shouting! Numerous? Looked a little sparse to me. Where are all his citations? My brother is also a geologist and he gets about one a week. Doesn't look like anybody thinks his research is worth following up on.
"Number of citations of articles in journals according to the Web of Science: 1, Scopus: 0 "
Wow. That is truly abysmal. Would you care to comment?
You can take a look at Krivitski's publications here:
https://istina.msu.ru/profile/KrivitskyVA/Yes, I know how to find information. That's where I got the "One citation" number from. I have to agree that he is outstanding in the level of attention he has received since his first paper in the 80's. For an academic to be cited in only one other person's research in his entire career is truly remarkable! Meanwhile just yesterday my brother was cited in this paper...
On the fourth of this month he was cited in...
Monitoring Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Dynamics of Rapidly Degrading Ice-Rich Permafrost Riverbanks in the Lena Delta with TerraSAR-X Time Series
On the second in an instruction manual on landslide dynamics...
"Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques for Landslides Detection and Mapping"
I'm seeing eight in December, last year, seven the month before, nine before that, and it seems on average that he gets about eight times as many on the average month than your guy. Know why? Results! Of course your average layman will not be able to read and properly interpret a paper on nuclear reactions, and neither would my brother for that matter, way out of his field. This allows you to hold up any sort of crap and claim it constitutes proof, evidence, results. But it doesn't fool anyone who CAN, and it didn't! That is why he has been completely ignored his entire life, because the people in his field looked it over, many times no doubt, and to the one declared, "What a load of bollocks!"
Case in point... would you care to critique this paper for me? Summarise? Give thoughts on? I'd love to know what you think of it.
https://arxiv.org/abs/0812.1148The Invariant Set Postulate: A New Geometric Framework for the Foundations of Quantum Theory and the Role Played by Gravity
"A new law of physics is proposed, defined on the cosmological scale but with significant implications for the microscale. Motivated by nonlinear dynamical systems theory and black-hole thermodynamics, the Invariant Set Postulate proposes that cosmological states of physical reality belong to a non-computable fractal state-space geometry I, invariant under the action of some subordinate deterministic causal dynamics. An exploratory analysis is made of a possible causal realistic framework for quantum physics, based on key properties of I. For example, sparseness is used to relate generic counterfactual states to points not lying on I, thus providing a geometric basis for the essential contextuality of quantum physics and the role of the abstract Hilbert Space in quantum theory. Also, self-similarity, described in a symbolic setting, provides a possible "realistic" perspective on the essential role of complex numbers and quaternions in quantum theory. A new interpretation is given to the standard "mysteries" of quantum theory: superposition, measurement, nonlocality, emergence of classicality and so on. It is proposed that heterogeneities in the fractal geometry of I are manifestations of the phenomenon of gravity. Since quantum theory is inherently blind to the existence of such state-space geometries, the analysis here suggests that attempts to formulate unified theories of physics within a conventional quantum-theoretic framework are misguided, and that a successful quantum theory of gravity should unify the causal non-Euclidean geometry of space time with the atemporal fractal geometry of state space."
So.... does he know his stuff or is he just blowing smoke?
Hi, you are trying to estimate his impact by the number of citations, but he is Russian speaker and have no articles in English. In the Russian citation system I have found 70 citations in recent years.
Unlike your brother, Krivitskyi is doing research in the most controversial and complicated field. His work might have impact on the understanding of entire physics.
“Case in point... would you care to critique this paper for me? Summarise? Give thoughts on? I'd love to know what you think of it.”
https://arxiv.org/abs/0812.1148What for? This issue is not what I’m interested in. If you try to draw parallels with Lugano report, too bad for you. I gave you simple and clear science paper against your empty accusation, all you could give me in exchange – some nonsense useless theoretical paper about gravity?
Once again, if you want to criticize LENR, go on, but if you don’t understand at least fundamentals of physics, your message is waste of letters.
“I'm seeing eight in December, last year, seven the month before, nine before that, and it seems on average that he gets about eight times as many on the average month than your guy. Know why? Results!”
About that Results. This makes me laugh, as you didn’t mention your brother's full name. I guess around 90% of scientists doing useless work payed by taxpayers, Let me check if your brother does the same. Let's check if he is doing something useful for humanity or he is just a “Grant Eater”.