
Topic: [ANN][ICO]VECTORAIC - Innovation of Blockchain Autopilot-Early Bird Sale REACHED - page 6. (Read 566 times)

Activity: 105
Merit: 0
This project is really wounderful empowering his great members to have a better future
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
After ico on which exchange it will be listed?
Activity: 119
Merit: 0
 see that ICO finally started, how long will ICO run? When does it end?
Activity: 101
Merit: 0
When do we expect beta to be ready? Maybe beta will come along with the start of the ICO?
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
Do i have to go trough KYC in order to join the sale?
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Hello looks like interesting project where is the team? and any there is bounty campaign.
Activity: 103
Merit: 0
When are you launching bounty campaign? How can I join it? Let me know.Thanks a lot.
Activity: 150
Merit: 0
when will ico end? when will the launch of your wallet?
Activity: 122
Merit: 0
How much do you want to collect in the token sale process? How much soft cap for ICO ?
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
which phase are you in now?
Vectoraic has completed early bird sales and reached 100% of target. We will announce our public sale asap  Cheesy
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
As I read it the information above in this project,it looks like a comprehensive one,and i want to follow it and might investing it a little  soon,hope will a good profitable one
Vectoraic is currently the most likely project to achieve automatic driving technology Level 4. Its core technology has been patented in the US, and the software patent number is PCT/IL2018/050085. Vectoraic technology has been applied to the ground in the Israeli military field, and the next step will be to establish a laboratory at the Wiseman Institute and set up a R & D base in Guangzhou, China.

Vectoraic is the only self-driving road anticipation system developed based on the air force drone attack detection Blockchain technology, and carries out unique risk prediction by distributing the frequency of any digital device in each risk area. Vectoraic owns a unique V2X (Vehicle to X) technology.

At present, the technology on the market can only detect visible objects within a certain range, but the revolutionary technology of Vectoraic is that it can receive data between transmission devices (such as mobile phones), sensors and cam- eras to perceive, predict risk areas and send early warning signals that may collide.

Vectoraic adopts the principle of multiple UAV joint operations, interconnects all the moving objects, sends the signal source to the cloud processor, calculates and analyzes through the Vectoraic algorithm, and sends the possible accident to the user through the warning instruction. In signal capture, the Api sharing technology after subversive design and algorithm optimization has been awarded the US patent.

In general, the world's unique long range remote prejudgment system is the biggest breakthrough in the field of autopilot by Vectoraic and can exclude 96% collision risks to 2 kilometers far beyond the maximum range (300 meters) that can be detected by the current autopilot technology.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
May I still participate in Bounty or it is late?
Vectoraic is looking for enthusiastic contributors who want to spread the word about the world’s first platform in the world based on both autonomous Driving and blockchain technology! Vectoraic contributors will have the chance to win upwards of 1,000 VT every week!!

Twitter Contributor Rules:
Tweet or retweet about Vectoraic
2. Use the hashtags #Vectoraic #VTcontributor and #blockchain in the post
3. Tag Vectoraic’s Twitter page in the post
4. Posts must be made before midnight Sunday PST
5. Content must be related to whitepaper or recent company news/announcements
Twitter Contributor Weekly Drawing:
Each week Vectoraic will select one lucky contributor at random from each category and each winner will receive:
First place (750+ followers): 1,000 VT
Second place (500+ followers): 700 VT
Third place (200+ followers): 300 VT
Telegram Contributor Rules:
1. Write a 250+ word blog post or make at least a minute-long YouTube video
2. Share the link to the post/video on Telegram using the hashtags #Vectoraic #VTcontributor and #blockchain and in the post
3. A link to Vectoraic’s website must be included in the post
4. Posts/videos must be made before midnight Sunday PST
5. Content must be related to the whitepaper or recent company news/announcements
Telegram Contributor Weekly Drawing:
Each week Vectoraic will select three lucky contributors at random and each will receive 500 VT
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
Have you already done any tests of your software?
Thank you for your interest, you can find the detailed information from
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
Hi I want more complete information about the project. How I can get it?
You can ask anything from here and find lots of information from our website:

Helpful LINKS to Check Out
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
Are you happy with the ICO progress? I know you don't share the numbers, but can you at least give us a hint?
We are very happy because Vectoraic has completed early bird sales and reached 100% of target.

Activity: 182
Merit: 0
which phase are you in now?
Vectoraic has completed early bird sales and reached 100% of target. We will announce our public sale asap Smiley
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
thank you for this life future project your great teams are really doing so amazing in this great project
Wink Wink Vectoraic can generate behaviors by sharing automatic driving cars, and Vectoraic provides technical and data support for companies. To this end, Vectoraic selects graphene as the underlying technology architecture to builds the Vecttoraic public chain, and introduces a series of key business components such as Vectoraic private chain, partner authentication, user authentication, Vectoraic wallet, Vectoraic Network, Vectoraic OS, to ensure that the entire platform business formed a closed loop.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
excellent project
Thank you for your nice comments, Vectoraic is a transparent, efficient, safe and open unmanned travel platform with advanced unmanned driving technology based on the framework of block chain graphene base technology, which improves the overall performance of unmanned driving, constructs the infrastructure of next generation of intelligent transportation, and leads the reform of the whole pilotless field.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
good project and very complete, all facilitated in this project
its development is not too prominent, but good gradually, I want to see the future prospects of this project
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
which phase are you in now?
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