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Viewo is a hybrid P2P video sharing network backed by over 150 influencers with millions of followers. Viewo operates on a unique blockchain-based rewards system. All participants in the Viewo network are rewarded for their actions, big or small. Rewards come in the form of VEO Tokens, a block- chain-based utility token that has value in both the Viewo network and outside the Viewo network. Unlike current video sharing websites that operate on a self-serving basis, Viewo operates on a user-based approach, rewarding each individual user for actions completed and giving incentives to both viewers and content creators. Viewo is the only incentivized video sharing network that has the support and backing of a significant number of contemporary influencers.
Viewo was born as an answer to the problems currently facing today’s video sharing industry. Whereas today’s industry ignores the needs and voices of participants, Viewo will reward every participant for actions they take, big or small. On a reward-driven platform, users will be motivated to share content, comment, and generally be more active watching content. This, in turn will increase the popularity of their rewards (VEO Tokens), which can be used to make in-site purchases. Additionally, Viewo has existing content agreements in place to use millions of the most popular videos on the Internet.
• Ability to encode videos on the fly allowing content to play immediately after upload; no more delays like on competitor websites
• AI and Machine learning algorithms for visual and audio analysis in real time
• Encoding of localized ads within the video stream; even if the video is “ripped” from the site, the ads will always remain in the video
• Live streaming of events with no buffering or delays
• Editing software utilizing AI technology to enable content producers to improve videos
• Custom off-chain micropayment technology integrated with a web wallet