Bagus juga gan semoga saja ada jawaban yang bagus dan baik dari pihak kucoin maupun yobit agar bisa bekembang lebih dari sekarang ini
Sipp... semoga aja cepat begitu om
tetap menunggu program referal
saat ini hanya bisa bantu retwit aja
dan mengingatkan si @tyler untuk selalu update sosmed terutama twiter
Sebetulnya termasuk aktif tim dev idealcash ini, cuman jarang mau aktif di forum bct sama update juga pas benar-benar udah siap kayaknya gaya kerjanya nih tim.
Tyler Z:
Quick update:
White paper coming early March, possibly March 1st. Then we expect a few bigger exchanges to take us in. I am talking with Kucoin admins on skype as we speak, that will boost us up in daily volume very high, and also upcoin admins confirmed to me we're being listed there. Also working on cryptobridge and a few others, will update you all with confirmation when I get it.
It will be much easier for you all to understand what DEAL is all about when the white paper is out and will explain everything, we have an entire team working to make DEAL top 100 coin. 😎👍 Just buy and hold & stake.
No coins are being sold by us at this point. All Dev coins going to daily lotteries and starter coins for everyone. Only small amount is used for initial market liquidation.. no more. And also there is a big coin burn happening. This will be explained in white paper coming out very soon. Thanks
Tyler Z:
There is some coins of the premine that will be burned as a way to attempt to raise the value for all, and to show in good faith to all investors. The white paper is going to have all the exact numbers coming out any day, so I dont wanna try to explain the specifics to every single person, is all im saying.
I am going over the draft right now.
Trying to be as transparent as possible with you all.
Please understand you are all still new to the party here, we are just about to take off. Please hold strong & stand by..
Whitepaper perkiraan 1 maret ini diterbitkan
Ada bocoran bakal ada coin burn besar-besaran yang juga berarti nilai IdealCash diprediksi bakalan naik
Untuk exchange Kucoin dev masih nego via skype, sementara Upcoin sudah ngasih lampu hijau buat IdealCash
Bakal banyak ada info baru dan detil mengenai proyek ini di whitepaper yang bakal keluar 1 maret ini