JOYSTICK COIN [JOY]Official SiteJoystick coin is a pure POS coin that you can purchase with xGOx
The specs have been designed to be a massive staking coin with superblock’s and anti inflationary measures, including an initial 1,000,000 Coins premine to be shared between early adopters.
This coin is a great coin and will be born in a great environment with many developers and community members involved.
As xGOx Promised, this coin will be added to novaexchange once they reopen their listings, it will be on and later it will reach other exchanges like trade satoshi and yobit.
Our roadmap is going hand in hand with xGOx ‘s roadmap as our coin will be included on their games network.
We hope that you enjoy this coin and that you will also be burning many xGOx (thus deciding JOYS price, see below) . thus contributing to a healthy start and successful future ! THIS IS FOR THE COMMUNITY.
Coming soon!
Coin info
Name: Joystick Coin
Ticker: [JOY]
Algo : X11
Block time : 300 seconds
Last PoW block: 5000
Coin maturity: 40
min stake age: 6 hours
max stake age: 30 days
Target spacing: 5 minutes
Target timespan: 30 minutes
Transaction confirmations: 6
port 65002 testnet 65052
rpcport 65003 testnet 65053
blocks 101-1001 10% for a fair distribution,
5001-5100 =777%,
21001-50000= 77%.
50001-51000=7777%, - Current51001 -100000 = 777% >100001 halving every 100.000 blocks Max money to calculate max 1 b
Joystick Coin 1.2 (Windows - Latest Version)
JoyStick Coin (Mac - Latest Version)
JoyStick Coin (Linux - Latest Version)Joystick Coin (Raspberry Pi - Latest Version)
Crex24’ve been discussing for hours the joystick price set, and we decided that our users will choose the start price of the coin!
So to set the price of [JOY] everyone will send xGOx to the burn address between
27.10.17 00:00 GMT and 30.10.17 00:00 GMT , after this, joy coins will be distributed with the formula of total amount raised between 1,000,000 Coins. This will tell us how many joy coins the person should receive for the xGOx burnt
For example: If 10,000,000 xGOx is raised the price of 1 JOY would be 10 xGOx
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