Need Comparison Data on JackPotCoin vs Darkcoin
I am preparing some marketing materials to show why JackPotCoin is better than DarkCoin.
To make it more appealing, I need some actual data from you guys.
(1) Mining
When using same gpu and overclock settings on Jackpotcoin and Darkcoin, what numbers do you get on average?
- Hash rate
- Temperature
- Power consumption
Please specify your card model and how many ways (how many cards on one system).
I think for 750ti, JHA is the best for whatever criteria.
(2) Confirmation speed
Create two wallets on different 2 computers (better to have different ip ranges), and measure the time to finish all required confirmations to receive the coins.
We want to have these comparison tests on JPC vs Dars, and also Bitcoin, Litecoin, DogeCoin as well.
(3) Other competitive advantage against Dark
If you have any reasonable evidence or proof that JackPotCoin is better than Dark, please let us know too.
- More ASIC resistant?
- Any more secure or safer?
- Coin distribution ?
This is really important to position JackPotCoin as one of new scrypt alternative choices.
Please post your data.
I need your HELP !!
Quite frankly it is a bit too early, the coin is too young and not stable enough. JPC won't stand the comparison against DRK and we might
get the kind of attention we don't want.
I mean marketing is good obviously but going in competition against DRK isn't a good idea as the coin isn't strong enough.
For altcoins, if there is no conceptual competitive advantages against the major trends, there is no way to grow up bigger.
JackPotCoin has its own unique hashing algorithm which has some "better" features than X11.
That is why I invest on this coin.
Among all new hash algorithms including x11, scrypt-n, Keccak, Groestl, etc, is there any one can beat JHA in terms of energy savings, gpu temperature, nVidia friendness, CPU mining ability etc...
I believe JHA should be one of top 2 algorithms to replace scrypt in this ongoing mining industry restructuring process.
When you are a very small, but need to deal with bunch of enemies, you need to choose the big boss, and hit heavily on him only. Then will be the boss or at least you will get remembered as who challenged to the boss.