">>>>>>>>>>> LILL.COM - SEARCH everything, EARN KARMA doing it <<<<<<<<<<<
PS: looking for C++ coders , web-dev and coin-devs to join karmacoin team. We are trying to expand. we have so many goals. Challenge accepted? PM me."
I bought some karma while it was very cheap comparing to actual price. Perhaps I may invest more, just few questions?
What goals, developments do you plan? Dont you ave developers inside team?
http://karmashares.com/forums/index.phpin the IPOCOS section you will see all the public projects.
the more devs we have on board the faster we will be popping this out in live mode!
All of this projects are to help karma and karmashareLLC.
For example. lill.com search engine. its an search engine that when you interact you collect karma. all the advertisers will have to buy adspace in karma.
for example if i want to advertise my company in here. i will place in a 1m karma to buy 1 day air time. or i will offer karma for doing serveys and stuff.
all this will promote advertisers to buy karma to reach to our user base. (of course they will be offered to buy with fial and btc , but they will be converted to karma) which will help buy support! This will also create add revenue which will go to pay karmashareLLC dividends. Of course the main purpose is to become a very high used search engine and hopefully be picked up by google/yahoo/microsoft and bought for $billions. then all the sale will go %100 to share holders. Unless the search engine its too profitable and unique. then we keep running it. such decision will be %100 taken by the shareholders
and this was just one example.
as you can see, the more devs join the better!