When the KMD dev sees a flaw in our code and chooses to exploit it, it's a problem. Do you think we intended for Komodo genesis notaries to be able to mine free coins? Was that our mistake, hell yes it was and it was a damn bad one because it turns out the KMD devs are not to be trusted.
Why do you so sure that was KMD dev team members mined your coin? Believe me, i wish your project only bright future and if you will implement in it something new and useful to the community, for example, new tech or another interest solution - it will be great. But, unfortunatelly, currently SAFE coin looks like scam. Why i think so? Let's look:
1. If it was serious long time project - devs never release this code with KMD notaries public keys inside. Have you heard anything about the stages of the software development life cycle? Before release every software should going through many checks, tests and this is months of hard work.
2. Unfortunatelly, we don't see any work here. SAFE coin devs just forked (i wish to call it "copy & paste", like in middle school) KMD sources, changed KMD strings on SAFE and tried to introduce it as new project. Do you think it's seriously? Will you deny that no one of devs has even tried to understand the essence of how this works? From side look like "devs" of SAFE don't tried to clarify for itselfs too much moments inside a code. Otherwise, they would have created their own notary.
3. Ok. Let's explain that SAFE is not one-day project, not scam ... what we have? Only copy & pasted sources and few screenshots in SAFE thread, which can be drawn in maximum per hour. Whitepaper? No. Official site - doesn't work. Explorer? Haven't.
What SAFE have you may asked? Only topic on this forum with a few screenshots, copy & pasted code, and ambitious statements and charges. Nothing more (currently).
p.s. About mining. Everybody could start safe coin daemon with one of notaries public key and mine SAFE. Also, everybody could start mining with all notaries_elected pubkeys. Why? For example, to show people this project is not serious, even if its developers do not understand how it works. Of course, if somebody mined SAFE with komodo's notaries pubkeys - he can't spent it without privkeys, but in order to show the incompetence of developers - this is enough.