...ComputerGenie why do you actually consider only the lows to be the
real market?
And concerning that 750 sat low, it's one of two things: Either it's a glitch in the chart, or, more likely, is related to the hack that happened back in the days when KMD was listed on
cryptox.pl and some entity generated
fake coins and dumped them there. That's actually the least rational value of that chart.
Even if we assume that the 750 is a data anomaly and we pick another March date (or even walk it back further to the Feb 2017 that were much higher than March) as a replacement, the overall trendline doesn't change much.
When you take out the "noise" of the entire space suddenly "mooning", alt inversion to BTC in Sept., and non-normal actions that December brought, you're left with something that may "look like" cherry-picking lows; however, early Dec is a near perfect retracement on any trendline one places from pre-June '17 to now.
Every non-noise trendline points to upward movement. We could argue all day if that movement is 2x BTC, 3x BTC, or 12x BTC/USD (depending on points of data and/or valuation), but the fact remains that all markets suck right now in comparison to some historical date. Since we're stuck trying to swim with the BTC rock around our necks, one could ask why it's sunk to less than 1/3 of what it was 6 months ago and dragging those tied to it with it.
The reality is that no matter what conclusion you come to or what your basis for evaluation is, it's always going to be provably wrong in someone else's view because every bit of it is based on multiple markets daisy-chained together that sometimes move together, sometimes move independent, and sometimes move as a complete inverse and and no time has any rational explanation as to why which is which.