Is it true that it's not possible to recover my Ledger Nano S seed with the private key from this one Komodo address? I should have asked this question before doing this ...
May I ask again, does somebody know if it's possible that somebody could recover my Ledger Nano S seed if I've exposed only one private Key of one single KMD address?
I've used the BIP39 tool offline, computer started with an Ubuntu Live USB stick.
Now I've seen Agama-Ledger support is planned, sadly I've read this after my Key export.
Seeds to private keys are one way. Seeds effectively generate the parent key that all the individual private/public keypairs are created from. Someone having access to a private key generated from a seed cannot restore the seed words and gain access to all the derived addresses from that mnemonic phrase.
While Agama/Ledger support is on the docket given Ledger not willing to change how they do things, I don't believe there is any timeline (if there is, I'd love to know).