Safe coin is censoring his thread now, but implies Komodo devs are responsible for a recent rollback Safe coin made.
...Are you agreeing with the guy who implied this recent rollback was due to a komodo dev team attack?
My bet is it is/was a private individual, with no official connection to Komodo, who actually holds
significantly more SAFE than he does Komodo....
I'd also bet that he offered to help make it a non-adversarial process and was turned away....
I agree, I follow KMD slack channels and those guys are working +12 hours a day doing things like preparing to run MoMoM scaling tests and preparing new notary nodes to activate. jl777 is pushing updates daily that imply he is coding 12-14 hours a day easily, I think after 5 years he has very little incentive to 'attack' other crypto, on the contrary, his whole philosophy is built around crypto co-operation, the previous 'incident' was fully explained and didn't look like an 'attack' to me, he was trying to help, I don't think he has thought of Safe since, and wont unless Safe becomes a legitimate top 100 crypto on CMC.
"In crypto, the competition is not each other, it is fiat. If any crypto does well, we all benefit." - jl777