
Topic: [ANN][KOIN] Koindashian: The Cookies & Cream of Coins (Read 9805 times)

sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 251
Activity: 1820
Merit: 1001
Interesting moments some big buy orders on this coin maybe time to start buying more up before its too late and no longer satoshis
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
config file for this coin ??
full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
Activity: 980
Merit: 1000
Need a campaign manager? PM me
Really terrible idea.
full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
so no window wallet
thought dev teams what pull their heads out of their ass and stop releasing half finished coins
so windows users dont get a chance to solo just got to settle for pool
i can see how thats fair lmfao
what dev teams? you must be confused with some other koin
how is it half finished.  just because there is no wallet for your computer.  I have no use for a Windows wallet and  noone cares about what you think is fair.  

hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
so no window wallet
thought dev teams what pull their heads out of their ass and stop releasing half finished coins
so windows users dont get a chance to solo just got to settle for pool
i can see how thats fair lmfao
Activity: 116
Merit: 10
windows wallet?
full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
wanted to buy 60000000000000000000000 koins,
for 1 koinye..
no deal

I am offering 10 VADR for 100 million coinye tho
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1000
to your stations, man the pineapples!!!
wanted to buy 60000000000000000000000 koins,
for 1 koinye..
full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
where is it traded?
on the streets, in speakeasy vip lounges, private poker clubs, etc
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
Credits CRD 1st Decentralized Exchange coin
where is it traded?

is this coin alive?
there appear to be at least some ppl mining & trading it -
I can't imagine why ANYONE would hold/mine koin when there is VADR

full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
is this coin alive?
there appear to be at least some ppl mining & trading it -
I can't imagine why ANYONE would hold/mine koin when there is VADR

sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
Credits CRD 1st Decentralized Exchange coin
is this coin alive?
full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
I guess this one isn't releasing? Wink
no, i'm pretty sure its somewhere here on the thread, but am not certain about this

I am also interested to learn more about koin - please let me know if you hear anything

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
I guess this one isn't releasing? Wink
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
full member
Activity: 144
Merit: 100
good question
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