♣ LEAFCOIN ♣ Launched : Jan 24th 11:20PM EST / first block mined Jan 23thhttp://leafco.in/21,000,000,000 COINS - 60 SECOND BLOCK TARGETS / 1 block retarget (KGW) -
1-1000000 1-500000 1-250000 1-125000 1-62500 COINS PER BLOCK
PRE-Mining - first 100 blocks were mined for checkpoints and giveawaysInformation:PoW algorithm: Scrypt
Premine: first <100 blocks were mined for checkpoints and giveaways
Retarget: 240
Starting difficulty: 0.000
Max supply: 21 billion
Reward halving interval: 15k block!!
KGW: yes
WelcomeWelcome to leafcoin. A cryptocurrency with green intentions, fast blockhalvings and fast block times.
Why leafcoinThe goal of Leafcoin is to make the world a better place.
Currently more than 80,000 est. acres of rainforest are destroyed daily… this is about 60,500 american football fields. Imagine that.
These forests are the lungs of our world and we owe it to our future generation and the species living in the rainforest to preserve it.
We will sponsor re-forrestation of the rainforest by a yet to be developed foundation. Preferably we will use trusted partners, selected by the community, to assist us.
Also, generating cryptocurrency, as we all know, causes a lot of pollution because it uses quite dramatic amounts of electricity.
CO2 is pumped into the air daily because we are all mining cryptocurrencies. By giving back to nature, esp. the rainforests, we hope to partially level that out.
Currently we are in the process of building a foundation where crypto-users can donate cryptocurrency, not limited to leaf, however leaf – fourleaf – will be its leading symbol.
If you are looking for the interview, look
hereNews: Early version foundation launched:
http://foundation.leafco.in - over 3.5M already - Help us protect the forests.
We decided to launch a beta foundation while building the real foundation, which will look a lot like justgiving.com.
( note that the site does not have a direct wallet connection. transactions are replicated. the wallet is located somewhere else, safe )
Technical details on the blockhalvings< 15000 - reward 1-1000000 per block, supply: 7,500,000,000 total blocks 15000 value: 7,500,000,000 10,41 days< 30000 - reward 1-500000 per block, supply: 11,250,000,000 total blocks 15000 value: 3,750,000,000 20,82 days< 45000 - reward 1-250000 per block, supply: 13,125,000,000 total blocks 15000 value: 1,875,000,000 31,23 days< 60000 - reward 1-125000 per block, supply: 14,062,500,000 total blocks 15000 value: 937,500,000 41,64 days< 75000 - reward 1-62500 per block, supply: 14,531,250,000 total blocks 15000 value: 468,750,000 52,05 days< 90000 - reward 1-31250 per block, supply: 14,765,625,000 total blocks 15000 value: 234,375,000 62,46 days
< 105000 - reward 1-15625 per block, supply: 14,882,812,500 total blocks 15000 value: 117,187,500 72,87 days
< 120000 - reward 1-7812 per block, supply: 14,941,406,250 total blocks 15000 value: 58,593,750 83,28 days
After that +/- 6,058,593,750 remains @ 3500 a block = 17310267 block, 1 block a minute = 1202 days/364.25 = 3,3 years of 3500 blocks.
Development teamThe development team of leafcoin is currently quite small but dedicated. We are working on the following projects:
- android wallet - completed -
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.leafco.wallet[/s] - completed
- a foundation for reforestation of rainforests
- a crypto ebay where you can trade your goods in exchange for leaf
- a multibit client - working on - completed testing
- fee-to-foundation structure, paying with coin supports a good cause
We all hope you like this coin and want you to know that we are working overtime to give this coin meaning and value.
Because we are such a small team all these projects take time.
Contact♣IRC #leafcoin @ freenode
♣Email [email protected]♣Twitter https://twitter.com/leafcoin♣Facebook https://facebook.com/leafcoin♣Reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/LeafCoin/♣WWW http://leafco.in/♣Forums http://forum.leafco.in/ ( note that this will become the main forum )
Downloads♣ Android:Google play♣ Source:http://leafco.in/github-source♣ Windows wallet: http://leafco.in/leafcoin-qt-win32-latest.zip ♣ Macosx:https://mega.co.nz/#!eFEQxZZZ!JlyhyWKNDVt8e80h8pTxImo6b0eo5mDVZSrYkRqOkHAPorts♣ RPC 22812
♣ P2P 22813
Nodes♣ Node 1 seed.leafco.in
♣ Node 2 seed2.leafco.in
♣ Node 3 seed3.leafco.in
♣ Node 4 seed4.leafco.in
GiveawaysSorry we are not allowed to do any giveaways anymore in this thread. See
this thread.
Instead we will be giving away in IRC channels ( for now ) or you can use faucets ( see below )... If i am not there i am sure ppl of the community will drop you some leafs.
If you dont have an irc client, click here for a webversion:
https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net:6667/#leafcoin or use a standalone irc client like
xchat and join #leafcoin @ irc.freenode.net:6667.
Block explorer ♣ Block Explorer 1 -
http://explorer.leafco.in ( confirmed INcorrect when it comes to addresses )
♣ Block Explorer 2 -