What an epic fail. Noobs are going to get eaten alive, its pretty simple if it doesn't work from the get go it will never work. Good gawd even the "blockchain" broke down, who ever achieved that. Let us draw it in crayons for the noobs. Max and his side-kick designed a big nice sailing boat, draw up the plans on the little lap tops then hurry to their warehouse and build the thing. All excited they announce it is complete. Stick it on a trailer and drag it to the marina. And away they go and launch it. It rolls off the trailer nice and smoothly into the water and what happens. Oh oh it topples over to the left. Oh no they say staring at each other, what shall we do. They clamber aboard and shovel sand bags and lead weights on the right side, and what does it do, it rights itself...for a minute or so and slowly topples over to the...right side.
Quick think young Max, removes some of the lead weight and sand bags from that side and heaves them over to the left side and by golly, the boat begins to right itself again. His side kick the engineer between the two says hmm interesting but it sure looks like it is leaning to, so what do they do, carefully measure scoops of sand and pieces of lead and balance it between the two side until it stands upright perfectly to the resident experts trained eye.
Proud as punch they don their little captain's hats and stand to one side and hail all aboard, we are ready to go, just 5 dollars a ticket you are safe and sound and if they all go to their inevitable end.
That's you young noobs drowned to the bitter end.
See this all collapsed before it begun. The biggest tell tail was the public admonishment very sternly I might add, that we at LISK to not condone YOBIT trading our coin before it has begun. This is unauthorized and not sanctioned by us at all. All our customers please be aware.
When a week later in their little news letter, what do we see...oh look at them crowing about the success of their coin and how it is being traded on YOBIT +4700% increase from ICO-price before it has begun.
Smoke and mirror's kids your best bet is to bail clean out while you still can.
https://blog.lisk.io/official-statement-on-yobit-lisk-iou-token-trading-cca8e7e52a72#.bcf5rr7fhthe Lisk team does not endorse or appreciate early IOU Token trading on the YoBit exchange or any other exchange
then a week later:
The Week in Retrospect - April 11, 2016
News Articles
•Microsoft Azure Adds Augur, BitShares, Lisk, Syscoin, Slock.it
•Decentralized Startup Lisk Raises $5.7 Mln In Crowd-Fund; April Launch Likely
•Lisk Closes ICO, Raises Over $5M in Bitcoin
•“Ethereum Alternative” Lisk Raises $6m to Win Over Dapps
•Lisk Raises Over 5.7 Million USD in 2nd Most Successful Crypto-Currency Crowd-Fund to Date
•Blockchain-Startup sammelt fünf Millionen Euro ein – in Bitcoins
•Lisk and Chain of Things to adapt blockchain for Internet of Things
•LISK IOUs trading at $3.38 on Yobit +4700% increase from ICO-price
•No Lisk, No Leward – What is Lisk & why is it important?