I appreciate your frequent updates and responses on this thread and elsewhere.
I've seen a few questions--and have them myself--about bonuses and bounties. I know you've explained clearly that most bounties will be distributed after launch. But I seem to remember that first day/first week bonuses were going to be credited before launch. Is that the case? Any idea on the timing for that? I haven't seen anything definitive posted about that and if I've missed it, I apologize. But I'm sure there are several interested, so anything you can share in that regard would be much appreciated.
I know it's probably an incredibly busy time for you guys. Keep up the great work!
Joel just commented in the Lisk.chat that they are working on it. The bonuses will be credited before launch.
Oh, thanks. That is a great update. I don't often monitor Lisk.chat so I'm sure I miss a lot. Hopefully when they have a sense for when that might be complete, they can provide an update here. I'm happy to hear it's being worked on.
Yes, we kind of neglected this a bit in the past weeks. We are preparing it, but due to the huge number of individual exchanges this just takes so crazy long. Stay tuned.
Thanks for the quick response, Max! I'm sure it's a bear of a project. And you've got many irons in the fire. I for one sincerely appreciate all that you're doing. I wish we could add some helping hands, but I know we are in good hands.
Thanks. Yes, we are continuously pushing forward. Making big progress every single day.