will the price of lisk be affected by Waves and the dao?
Yes, but not too much...
Waves is 3.6mln$(7800btc) for now where you get this numbers mate? I thing there is 3000btc fake investment.
DAO have 3M eth collected and still nothing final there. Eth price may fall at 0.01btc levels or may be more so still nothing clear there too...
DAO is long term. it may take years for first ROI. I`m sure there will be alot of noobs dumping dao.
Lisk ! can have his own DAO, it's a matter to have proposals and that's it! Lisk actually can. Lisk in many ways is awezome.
Lisk is Bringing inovation dapps dapps dapps, if you google Ether online wallet you will find out that eth users we were using a wallet pretty much build in Java Script during frontier days, still on so I still using it.
So that is pretty much telling us how practical and easy is to use Java Script.
Eth will not be Lisk and Lisk will not be ETH they are diferent projects with diferent people behind so every project will unfold his future and I wish them the best to both of them, I personally love the Lisk team because they know what they are doing+ I beliave they are more qise to manage the Lisk founds.
the Lisk project came and did a shake to the Giants, that's true but even Lisk has to advance, Lisk has to win a name far away from this trends, Lisk has to show what is capable to do, Java Script developers are in a privileged position that they can actually have this unique oportunity to change their lives for ever, to build the dapps era in the 21 first century, this is a life time oportunity that Java Script coders.
Will love to see some JS Dapps running on sidechains and everything working together in harmony.
Sounds neat.
1: Block data
https://youtu.be/t0T_Ko8f39o2: Dust
https://youtu.be/T6e7lttEFsM3: Marketplace
https://youtu.be/I6emtbHgiVA4: Discovr
https://youtu.be/Djcaoba1MLg5: How to setup a testnet & become a delegate
https://youtu.be/yUzkb7mYerQ6: Install your first Dapp from scratch! :